Policies and Constitution

The purpose of the Education Student Council

More than 2,000 future educators at 33 private and public Kentucky campuses enroll in KEA-SP each year; when they do, they join the 30,000 member Kentucky Education Association—the largest education professional organization in the state—and the nearly 3 million member National Education Association, a major force in shaping the nation’s agenda for children and public education.

The University of Louisville KEA-SP is led by an 8 member executive committee, which includes the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and Recruitment Chair.

The College of Education and Human Development Student Council Constitution

Article I: Name

The Student Council of the College of Education and Human Development shall be known as the Education Student Council (ESC) of the University of Louisville.

Article II: Declaration of Purpose

The purpose of the Education Student Council shall be to provide government of, for, and by the undergraduate students of the College of Education and Human Development. It shall be the policy of the Education Student Council to regulate all affairs of common interest to the students of the College of Education and Human Development. Further, it shall be the aim of the Education Student Council to provide its students active leadership as well as voice in all matters deemed worthy of being brought to the attention of the University Administration. Finally, the Education Student Council shall promote extracurricular activities as well as academic life for the students of the College of Education and Human Development.

Article III: Powers

As the supreme governing body of the College Education and Human Development, the Education Student Council shall have power over all undergraduate student affairs of the College of Education and Human Development except those reserved by the University Administration and those by the Graduate Student Council.

Article IV: Definitions

In this document "Shall" is used in the imperative sense, and "May" is used in the permissive sense.

Article V: Executive Officers

The College of Education and Human Development Student Council shall be made up of a President, Vice-President, and Senators (based on enrollment figure stated by University of Louisville Student Government Association)

Section A: Eligibility

To be eligible for office on the Education Student Council, a student must be an undergraduate student in the College of Education and Human Development and have a minimum (cumulative) grade point average of 3.00.

Section B: Election of Officers

1.) The President, Vice President, and Senators of the Education Student Council shall be elected by the undergraduate students of the College of Education and Human Development on the dates set by the Student Government Association of the University of Louisville.

2.) The Senatorial membership of the Education Student Council shall be composed of one Senator for each 750 students of the College of Education and Human Development’s total full-time equivalent (F.T.E) students, or major fraction thereof (determined by enrollment figures from the previous September).

3.) The President, Vice President, and Senators of the Education Student Council shall assume their office and responsibilities at the first Student Government Association meeting of the following fall semester.

4.) The President, Vice President, and Senators of the Education Student Council shall serve a term of approximately one year (until their successors assume office).

5.) No person elected to the Education Student Council shall be elected to the same office for more than three consecutive terms.

6.) A vacancy in any office elected by the undergraduate students of the College of Education and Human Development shall be filled within one month following the vacancy.

A) The vacancy shall be announced to students through multiple media sources at least two weeks prior to the election to fill the vacancy,

B) A majority vote of the remaining Education Student Council members present and voting is required.

Section C: Removal of Officers

1.) A vote of three-fourths of all of the Education Student Council members (excluding the officer being considered for removal) may remove any officer from office.

A) This vote shall be the subject of appeal to the Student Government Association of the University of Louisville whose decision shall be final.

B) Written notice of this vote, including all reasons/charges, shall be provided to the officer being considered for removal, as well as all other Education Student Council members at least one week prior to the meeting

2.) Any officer who misses two meetings in one semester without having provided satisfactory written excuse to the Education Student Council and without the permission of the Education Student Council President shall be expelled automatically from the Education Student Council.



Section D: Duties of the Officers


1.) The President Shall:

A) Preside at all meetings of the Education Student Council and serve as a voting member.

B) Plan and execute the business of the Education Student Council.

C) Establish and fill such committees as the needs of the Education Student Council dictate.

D) Complete agendas for each meeting to be passed out at meetings and to be distributed to Executive Officers 24 hours in advance.

E) Work with the treasurer to compile an annual budget to be presented to the University of Louisville Student Government.

F) Occupy a voting seat in the Student Government Association where the President shall represent the undergraduate students of the College of Education and Human Development in University-wide decisions.


G) The President shall serve as a tie-breaking vote for the Executive Officers of the Education Student Council.

H) Prepare a written bimonthly report detailing the accomplishments and activities of the Education Student Council.

I) This report shall be completed no later than the fifth day of the following month.

II) This report shall be distributed to all Education Student Council members, the Faculty Advisor, and the President of the Student Government Association, as requested.


III) The report shall become part of the minutes of the next regular meeting of the Education Student Council.

I) Perform such duties as the office may require.

2) The Vice President Shall:


A) Assume the duties of the President in the President’s absence.


B) Assist the President in the execution of the business of the Education Student Council.

C) Function as a voting member at all Education Student Council meetings.

D) Occupy a voting seat in the Student Government Association where the vice-president shall represent all undergraduate students of the College of Education and Human Development in all University- wide decisions.

E) Plan a semester calendar of all College of Education and Human Development Student Council Events.

F) Secure locations for College of Education and Human Development Student Council events.

G) Perform other such duties as the President may assign.

3) The Senators shall:

A) Each senator shall function as a voting member at all Education Student Council meetings where each senator shall represent the undergraduate students of the College of Education and Human Development in decisions pertaining to it.

B) Occupy a voting seat in the Student Government Association where each Senator shall represent the students of the College of Education and Human Development in University-wide decisions.

C) Perform other duties such as the President may assign.

Article VI. Representative Officers

The College of Education and Human Development shall consist of a secretary, treasurer, public relations officer, and representatives that make up the Representative Officers.

Section A: Eligibility

To be eligible for office on the Education Student Council, a student must be an undergraduate student in the College of Education and Human Development and have a minimum (cumulative) grade point average of 2.75.

Section B: Election of Representative Officers


1) Representative Officers shall be elected by the undergraduate students of the College of Education and Human Development on the dates set by the Education Student Council of the University of Louisville.

2) Representative Officers shall assume their position and responsibilities at the first Education Student Council meeting of the following their election.

3) Representative Officers shall serve a term of approximately one year (until their successors assume office).


Section C: Removal of Officers

1.) A vote of three-fourths of all of the Education Student Council members (excluding the officer being considered for removal) may remove any officer from office.

A) Written notice of this vote, including all reasons/charges, shall be provided to the officer being considered for removal, as well as all other Education Student Council members at least one week prior to the meeting

2.) Any officer who misses two meetings in one semester without having provided satisfactory written excuse to the Education Student Council and without the permission of the Education Student Council President shall be expelled automatically from the Education Student Council.

Section D: Duties of the Representative Officers


1.) The Secretary shall:

A) Keep minutes of all Education Student Council meetings.

B) Distribute copies of the minutes of all Education Student Council meetings no later than one week following each meeting.

C) Be responsible for all official correspondence of the Education Student Council.

D) Function as a voting member at all Education Student Council meetings.

E) Perform other such duties as the President may assign.

2.) The Treasurer shall:

A) Assume the responsibility for the financial affairs of the Education Student Council.


B) Manage the budget of the Education Student Council.


C) Report all financial activity since the last Education Student Council meeting to the Education Student Council.

D) Work with the President of the Education Student Council to plan a budget.

E) Perform other such duties as the President may assign.

3.) The Public Relations Officer shall:

A) Make advertisements for any Education Student Council meetings and events.

B) Distribute any information to any media sources.

C) Update council bulletin board on a regular basis.

D) Perform other such duties as the President may assign.

Article VII. Transitioning


All officers are required to transition and pass along any documents and information to the incoming officers by the end of spring term.

Article VIII: Committees

As the need arises, the Education Student Council, by a majority vote of its members present and voting, or the President of the Education Student Council alone may establish any committee deemed necessary or beneficial.

Section A: Eligibility for Committee Membership


To be eligible to serve on any committee a person must either be enrolled in the College of Education and Human Development or be a member of the Education Student Council.

Section B: Duties of Committees and Committee Members

Committees as a whole and their members shall perform only those duties that the Education Student Council, or its President, specify at the time each committee is established.

Section C: Term of Committees

Unless otherwise specified, each committee shall cease to exist at the end of the spring semester of each year.

Article IX: Meetings

Unless otherwise noted in this constitution, the College of Education and Human Development Student Council meetings shall be conducted and governed by Robert’s Rules of Order (most recent edition).

Section A: Frequency

1.) Regular meetings of the College of Education and Human Development Student Council shall be held at least once each month during the Fall and Spring Semesters (September through April) , and as deemed necessary during the summer months (may through August).

2.) Special meetings of the Education Student Council may be called by the President of the Education Student Council provided that notice is given to the Vice-President, all Senators, and all Representatives at least 72 Hours prior to a special meeting.

Section B: Quorum

1) A quorum shall be held for all Education Student Council meetings shall be three-fifths of its voting majority.

2.) A quorum of any committee shall be a simple majority of that committee’s voting membership.

3.) A quorum is necessary to conduct any business of the Education Student Council or any of its committees.

4.) Once a quorum is established, a member may leave without destroying the quorum provided that member gives the presiding officer an signed proxy vote for each specific item on the agenda yet to be voted upon. (This provision shall apply to all committee meetings as well as Education Student Council meetings).

5.) A written proxy may not be substituted for a member’s presence in establishing a quorum; however, once a quorum has been established, a written proxy shall be counted in any vote to which it specifically pertains.

Section C: Proxies

1.) Any member of the Education Student Council may designate any student enrolled in the College of Education and Human Development as their proxy for any meeting. This is accomplished by the absent member providing the proxy with a written statement of appointment. Before the meeting convenes, the proxy shall surrender this note to the presiding officer and it shall become part of the minutes of that meeting.

2.) A proxy shall automatically be seated unless challenged by any voting member of the Education Student Council. In this instance the eligibility of the proxy shall be determined by a majority vote of the council members present and voting as the first item of business.

3.) Any member who has appointed a proxy shall not be counted as missing at that meeting.

Article X: Faculty Advisor

A faculty advisor will be assigned to oversee and give advice to the student council. This advisor will be selected with the help of the Dean. The faculty advisor will be expected to remain in close contact with the President of the council and to attend meetings. The faculty advisor will have no voting powers.

Article XI: Non-Discriminatory Policy

Section A: Statement of Non- Discrimination

No person shall be denied membership in the College of Education and Human Development Student Council or any of its committees, due to: race, ethnicity, age, religion, sex, disability, color, national origin, or sexual orientation.

Section B: Affirmative Action Policy

The Education Student Council shall adopt and implement a policy which aggressively seeks the active involvement and participation of all minorities enrolled in the College of Education and Human Development, in the affairs if the Education Student Council, the activities of the College of Education and Human Development and the Education Profession.

Article XII: Alcohol Policy

No alcoholic beverages shall be served at any event sponsored by the Education Student Council.

Article XIII: Amendments

Section A: The Amendment Process

1.) All proposed amendments must be submitted in writing at the meeting prior to the meeting at which they will be voted upon.

2.) A vote is required for the passage of any amendment to the Constitution of the Education Student Council.

Article XIV: Sunshine Regulations

All meetings of the Education Student Council (including committees), with or without a quorum present shall be open to the University of Louisville community and the press except for discussions that involve appointment, discipline, or removal of an individual.

Section A: Provisions for conducting closed sessions


1.) Notice shall be given in a regular open meeting of the general nature of the business be discussed in the closed session and the reason (s) for the closed discussion.

2.) Closed sessions may be held only after a motion is made and passed by a three-fifths vote in open session.

3.) No final action may be taken at a closed session.


4.) No matters may be discussed in closed session other than those publicly announced prior to the beginning of the closed session.


5.) Actions taken in violation of this article shall be null and void.