Ehren Green's curriculum vitae [PDF]
Educational Background
- Ph.D., University of Louisville, Educational Leadership and Organizational Development, August 2022
- M.A., West Virginia University, Educational Leadership Studies, 2006
- B.S., Ball State University, Exercise Science and Wellness, 2003
Teaching Experience
- Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Louisville, Sport Administration Program, August 2021 – present
- Adjunct Instructor, University of Louisville, Department of Health and Sport Sciences, Spring 2020
- University of Louisville, Sport Administration Program Graduate Assistant, August 2020 – July 2021
- University of Louisville, Department of Educational Leadership, Foundation, and Human Resource Development, January 2020 – July 2020
- DelphiU On-line Learning Certificate
- TalentSmart Emotional Intelligence Certified Trainer
- ATD Instructional Design Certificate
Peer-Reviewed Articles (including works in progress)
- Green, E.R., Rose, K., Damon, Z., & Hancock, M. (In 1st revision) Organizational change in sport: An integrative literature review. Submitted to Journal of Sport Management.
- Siegfried, N., Green, E. R., Swim, N., Montanaro, A., Greenwell, T. C., & Frederick, E. (2021). An examination of college adaptive sport sponsorship and the role of cause-related marketing. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics.
- Swim, N., Green, E. R., Hums, M., Bower, G., & Walker, K. (2022) Is same-gender mentorship important for female student-athletes?: An application of the mentor role theory. Journal of Athlete Development and Experience.
- Bergman, M., Herd, A.M., & Green, E.R. (2020). The use of prior learning assessment for enhanced military-to-civilian transition outcomes. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 166, 37-50. https://doi.org/10.1002/ace.20382