The Department of Special Education, Early Childhood, and Prevention Science (SECP) in the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) at the University of Louisville is committed to improving the lives of children, youth, and adults with and without disabilities by preparing practitioners at both the initial certification and advanced degree levels. We seek to continually improve the quality of life for all in our metropolitan community, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and the nation. We enact this through our preparation of educators and who are responsible, rigorous, and relentless.
Educators who are responsible are accountable for ensuring the progress of all learners. This includes individuals whose learning and behavior affect their success in school and life. We believe that effective instruction is social justice.
Educators who are rigorous adhere to the science of teaching. This involves using evidence-based practices with fidelity and monitoring the impact of those practices. It also includes effectively employing, conducting, and disseminating research.
Educators who are relentless persist until learners succeed. This involves reflecting on one's own practices and making changes to instruction based on the available evidence and individual needs. We acknowledge that learners come with different strengths and needs. It is our job to build on their strengths while addressing their needs.