OVEC collaborates with the CEHD on facilitating teacher recruitment, leadership initiatives, and faculty research efforts. Although not an inclusive list, some of the activities and services are:
Learn more about the collaborative work between OVEC and the CEHD.
P-16 Council Design Teams/Committees:
Dr. Penny B Howell
CEHD, Nystrand Center of Excellence in Education
Office: 502-852-0598
E-mail: penny.howell@louisville.edu
Chrissy Jones, Chief Academic Officer and Deputy CEO
Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative
P.O. Box 1249, 100 Alpine Drive
Shelbyville, KY 40066
Office: 502-647-3533, x266
E-mail: cjones@ovec.org
Teacher Recruitment and Support:
Professional Development and Support:
Leadership Initiatives and Support:
Committee Work (other than what is listed above):
The partnership has also created a coordinated mechanism for OVEC districts and schools to be provided services by the UofL College of Education and Human Development faculty and for the faculty to have access to OVEC districts and schools for research or services. Follow the link for a Research Request or Service Request through the UofL site. It provides a form to be completed and sent to Chrissy Jones at OVEC or to Dr. Penny B. Howell at the CEHD. Instructions are given at the web site. Once the information on the form is reviewed, the Request for Research or Services will be processed.
For questions about any of these initiatives on this page, please contact Chrissy Jones at OVEC, 502-647-3533, ext. 266.