Nystrand-Offutt Scholar

The 2023 Nystrand-Offutt Scholar is Dr. Kate Ariemma Marin, Assistant Professor in the Department of Elementary, Middle and Secondary Teacher Education. She was selected for her project, “Next Generation Mathematics Teacher Education Practices (Next Gen MTEP).” This project investigates generational differences in pre-service teachers and teacher education practices specifically designed to support Generation Z. The results of the study and the successful mathematics teacher education practices will be disseminated through presentations, research journals, and practitioner journals.
The Nystrand-Offutt Scholar is supported by Nancy and George Stablein through the Offutt funds named for Nancy’s parents. The Nystrand-Offutt Scholar is an early career faculty member engaged in research related to the Nystrand Center's work. The funds provide time for the Scholar to conduct research during the spring semester, analyze data and write during the summer, and travel to present about the work at a national conference during the following year. Applications are accepted each fall.
Past Winners

- 2020, Dr. Justin McFadden, “Exploring Elementary Teachers’ Beliefs about a Sensemaking Approach of Science Instruction”
- 2019, Dr. Jessica Hardy, "Designing Inquiry-based Science and Embedding Systemic Instruction: Collaborating with Teachers Measuring Impacts on Children in Inclusive Preschool Classrooms"
- 2018, Dr. Stephen Tucker, "Fingu: Understandings of Number in Kindergartners' Embodied Mathematics"
- 2017, Dr. Ann Herd, "Veterans' and Employers' Perspectives on Military Transition Experiences"
- 2016, Dr. Sheron Mark, "Culturally Relevant STEM Education: A place for Art and Social Justice"
- 2015, Dr. Stefanie Wooten-Burnett, "The Development of Elementary Teacher Candidates' Teacher Efficacy Through the Use of Cognitive Coaching"
- 2014, Dr. James Chisholm, "Using Backchanneling Technology to Enhance Adolescent's Response to Literature During Inquiry-based Discussions," and Dr. Rob Pennington, "Collaborative Partnerships in Writing Research for Students with Intellectual Disabilities"
- 2013, Dr. Jill Adelson, "Cognitive Coaching and Gifted Learners: Examining Effects of Student Achievement and Academic Self-Concept"
- 2012, Dr. Shelley Thomas, "From the Institute to the Classroom: Is Culturally Responsive Teaching Becoming Part of Teacher Practice?"
- 2011, Dr. Monica Delano, "Reading to Engage Children with Autism in Language Learning (RECALL)"
- 2010, Dr. Kristi King, "Project BALANCE (Beneficial Activity Levels and Nutritional Choices Everyday)"
Complete the Application Form here and apply to be a Nystrand-Offutt Scholar!
For more information about the Center, or its projects, e-mail Nystrand Director, Dr. Penny B. Howell penny.howell@louisville.edu, or call 502-852-0598.