Requesting a Digital Textbook

Digital textbooks are requested by the school’s appointed Digital Rights Manager (DRM).  These materials can only be requested for and be used by qualifying students with disabilities who are currently enrolled in the school. 

If you are a principal needing to appoint a Digital Rights Manager (DRM), please review the information contained within the “About Digital Rights Management” portion of this website.  Then, complete the DRM Registration form.  Once the DRM has been appointed, KAMD materials can be requested for use by qualifying students.

If you are a DRM needing to request a digital textbook, please review the FAQs related to “Requesting KAMD Digital Textbooks”.  Then, complete the Digital Textbook Request form.

Before a school can request and receive materials from the KAMD, the following steps must be followed:

1.      The school’s principal must designate a building level staff person to be the Digital Rights Manager (DRM). The DRM is the local school level staff person deemed by the principal to be responsible for monitoring and documenting copyright compliance within the school.

2.      The DRM must have a completed NIMAS Eligibility form signed by an appropriate “competent authority” on file for each student who will be receiving the digital file. NIMAS Eligibility Form (DOC), NIMAS Eligibility Form (PDF)

3.      The school must have purchased the print version of the instructional material being requested, and this print version must be available for student use.

4.      The DRM must complete the KAMD Digital Textbook Request form

 **NOTE:  Schools that purchase textbooks that are not on the state multiple list (referred to as purchasing "off-list") are responsible for assuring that the publisher will submit the digital version of their books to the National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC), the national repository for NIMAS file sets.  This is assurance done through the completion of the OFF-List Notification Form.  OFF-List Notification (DOC), OFF-List Notification (PDF)

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