Natural Sciences
A&S Physics student makes her NASA dreams come true
Meghan Carrico, a double major in Physics and Atmospheric Science, landed an internship at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia in 2018.
Hydrogen Fuel Research Tests Sustainable Catalyst Development
Scientists at the University of Louisville in Louisville, Ky., are working on a method to generate hydrogen fuels that significantly lowers energy use. This research on catalysts for hydrogen attracted combined funding of more than $1 million from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Department of Energy (DOE).
2018 March for Science
Promoting science and getting views on science from politicians are the main goals of March for Science. Biology professor Cynthia Corbitt is part of the movement. She discussed her role on UofL Today with Mark Hebert.
Science for a Day
Students from Marian Moore Middle School spent a day on UofL’s campus learning about climate change and other environmental science as part of a worldwide collaboration with UofL and students in other countries.
Prof. Gerry Williger discusses recent news in astronomy
Astronomy professor Gerry Williger discusses SpaceX rocket, asteroids and an artificial star that’s ticking off the astronomy community on UofL Today with Mark Hebert.
Prof. Sergio Mendes (Physics) working on early detection of the flu
University of Louisville researchers are working on a potential breakthrough for early detection of influenza, pneumonia, eye infections and maybe even cancer.
Prof. Tim Dowling (Physics & Astronomy) on Science Friday with Ira Flatow
Tim Dowling was recently interviewed by Public Radio's Ira Flatow on Science Friday about the ice giants Uranus and Neptune.
Recap of ACCelerate festival with Ph.D. student Max Adams (Biology)
Max Adams, Ph.D. student in Biology, and two other graduate students participated in an ACC conference, ACCelerate, showcasing student research in Washington, D.C.
ACCelerate festival showcases faculty & student's work at the Smithsonian
Faculty and students will be attending ACCelerate an ACC Smithsonian Creativity and Innovation Festival in Washington, D.C to present on research.
What role is climate change playing in this year's hurricane season?
Two big hurricanes recently hit Florida and Texas. What role is climate change playing in those storms? Atmospheric scientist Jason Naylor discusses this with Mark Hebert on UofL Today.
Biology Prof. Steve Yanoviak studies lightning strikes on trees in Panama
On Barro Colorado Island in the Panama Canal, UofL biology professor Steve Yanoviak and his colleagues map lightning strikes and find that they kill mainly the loftiest trees, likely disturbing the forest ecology.
Lectures highlight broad variety of humanities and science research
A fall luncheon lecture series will feature University of Louisville researchers whose worksites range from Cave Hill Cemetery to a campus clinic, and whose topics range from water politics in India to animal research in Siberia.
Astronomy professor Tim Dowling recaps the solar eclipse
Astronomy professor Tim Dowling recaps the solar eclipse with Mark Hebert on UofL Today.
From Experienental Psychology to Chemistry A&S Students Present Summer Research Projects
Students present summer research projects.
Exoplanet discovery and the impending eclipse
Astrophysics teacher John Kielkopf and UofL grad Karen Collins talk about the discovery of a new exoplanet in space, UofL’s telescopes and the upcoming solar eclipse on the UofL Today with Mark Hebert radio show.
Powdered blood research aims to store donated blood longer
Biology professor Michael Menze and engineering professor Jonathan Kopechek are working on a way to turn blood into powder so it can be stored longer. Hear about their work on UofL Today with Mark Hebert.
The Greatest Two Minutes in Astronomy
On August 21, 2017 part of western Kentucky will be host to a total eclipse. Prof. Gerard Williger and Prof. Tim Dowling of the Dept of Physics and Astronomy comment about the event.
Antibiotic resistant bacteria in local water sources
Profs. Paul Himes and Deborah Yoder-Himes (Department of Biology) discuss their research into antibiotic resistant bacteria in local water sources on UofL Today with Mark Hebert.