About Monday Memo


How and when?

All Monday Memo submissions should be submitted through the A&S Story Submission Form, along with any relevant photos or flyers. Please submit your content for the Monday Memo by 12 p.m. on the preceding Thursday.


Monday Memo content can include any of the following:

  • Good news or kudos about A&S faculty, staff, students, alumni, friends and/or programs
  • Announcements related to administrative, financial, IT, and/or HR policies and procedures
  • Professional development opportunities
  • Information pertinent to instruction, research, and/or service
  • Advancement information, e.g. items related to fundraising successes, communications and marketing, and alumni relations
  • News about publications, grants, awards, and leadership roles. (We also suggest you if you haven’t already. 


The best way to publicize your event is to submit it to the UofL events calendar and to the A&S story submission form.

UofL Event Calendar FAQs.