
The College of Arts & Sciences

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Cast of “Baltimore” to perform at national festival

Cast of “Baltimore” to perform at national festival

The Department of Theatre Arts African American Theatre Program was selected to perform the production “Baltimore,” performed by the AATP last fall at UofL, this summer at the 2017 National Black Theatre Festival in North Carolina.

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A&S student awarded competitive political science scholarship

A&S student awarded competitive political science scholarship

The scholarship, offered through the American Political Science Association, is a five-week program at Duke University that introduces students to the world of doctoral study in political science. It goes to underrepresented racial and ethnic minorities and is highly competitive.

A&S student awarded competitive political science scholarship - Read More…

A&S student named Kentucky’s only Truman Scholar

A&S student named Kentucky’s only Truman Scholar

Judson Adams, a political science major, is Kentucky’s only Truman Scholar this year.

A&S student named Kentucky’s only Truman Scholar - Read More…