A Philosopher at Large: A Personal Journey

Dr. Sayed Hassan Akhlaq on academia and human rights in Afghanistan - March 6 at 4pm in the College of Business PNC Horn Auditorium, Room 106.


A Philosopher at Large:  A Personal Journey

Dr. Sayed Hassan Akhlaq on academia and human rights in Afghanistan

March 6
College of Business
PNC Horn Auditorium, Room 106

Sponsored by the University of Louisville Department of Comparative Humanities,  Department of Philosophy, Commonwealth Center for the Humanities & Society,  and the Atlantic Coast Conference Academic Consortium

Dr. Sayed Hassan Akhlaq specializes in philosophy,religion, dialogue among civilizations, and Islam and Human Rights. Currently a Research Fellow at Boston University, he is working on, "The History of Philosophical Ideas in Afghanistan," a history of rational sciences and intellectual movements covering a broad spectrum of the evolution of theology, Sufism, peripatetic philosophy, illuminative philosophy, and modern intellectualism in Afghanistan.

Sayed Hassan Akhlaq

About Dr. Akhlaq

Originally from Afghanistan, Dr. Akhlaq received his PhD in 2009 from the Allameh Tabatabai University, Iran in the field of philosophy. He completed his Islamic theological studies (Hawzeh Elmieh) in Mashhad. For the past decade, he wrote books, papers, and gave lectures and speeches worldwide, including in the U.S., United Arab Emirates, Iran, Afghanistan, South Korea, Greece, Russia, and the United Kingdom. In addition, he gives scholarly lectures for religious communities.

He worked as the chancellor of Gharjistan University, branch of Farah-Afghanistan in 2011 and acted as an academic advisor of National Academy of Sciences of Afghanistan in 2010. Dr. Akhla has taught in Iranian universities, including Al-Mustafa International University and Payam-e Noor, and is affiliated with Princeton University (2017), George Washington University (2013-2016) and The Catholic University of America (2013-2017).

Dr. Akhlaq published four books (in Iran and Afghanistan), written in Farsi. His last work "The Secular and the Sacred: Complementary and/or Conflictual?" was co-edited by John Hogan and published by the Council for Research in Values & Philosophy (2017).

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