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Demonizing diseases: of Thomas Jefferson and Hessian Flies

Demonizing diseases: of Thomas Jefferson and Hessian Flies

University of Louisville Professor Dr. Dugatkin presented "Demonizing diseases: of Thomas Jefferson and Hessian Flies" Pernicious as they are, personifying and demonizing are not new responses to disease.

Demonizing diseases: of Thomas Jefferson and Hessian Flies - Read More…

Diversity and Inclusion, our Cardinal Principle: a message from President Bendapudi

Diversity and Inclusion, our Cardinal Principle: a message from President Bendapudi

At the University of Louisville, Diversity and Inclusion is one of our core Cardinal Principles. This university strives to be a home and safe haven for our students, faculty and staff of color just as we strive to do this for all of the many rich and diverse identities held throughout our campus community. I believe that in many cases we succeed in helping people survive and thrive, but I am also certain that in numerous cases the same expressions of hate and exclusion that daily impact people of color and vulnerable communities outside the campus affect our Cardinal Family right here in our own backyard.

Diversity and Inclusion, our Cardinal Principle: a message from President Bendapudi - Read More…