Demonizing diseases: of Thomas Jefferson and Hessian Flies

University of Louisville Professor Dr. Dugatkin presented "Demonizing diseases: of Thomas Jefferson and Hessian Flies" Pernicious as they are, personifying and demonizing are not new responses to disease.
Demonizing diseases: of Thomas Jefferson and Hessian Flies

Prof. Lee Dugatkin

In June, 2020, University of Louisville Professor Dr. Dugatkin presented "Demonizing diseases: of Thomas Jefferson and Hessian Flies". Pernicious as they are, personifying and demonizing are not new responses to disease. This strategy was even used during the days of the American Revolution when a new pest was attacking a staple, the wheat crop in New York. George Morgan, a member of the American Philosophical Society, dubbed it the Hessian fly and made no bones about why. "It is now become the most opprobrious term our language affords," Morgan told a friend, "and the greatest affront our chimney sweepers and even our slaves can give or receive, is to call or be called Hessian.” It was not long before another member of the American Philosophical Society, Thomas Jefferson, became obsessed, as was his won't, with all things Hessian fly. #LiftUpLou #History #Pandemic