Monday Memo August 20, 2018

Dean's Message

Dear Colleagues,
Happy first day of classes!! 
One of the challenges we’ve been having at UofL is keeping up with the many changes our beloved institution is undergoing. In Arts & Sciences we take pride in our ability to challenge our students to become innovative problem-solvers, ready to take on new challenges. One of our institutional-related challenges is ever-updating software, so as we model that readiness for our students, below you will find some links that will help you manage your daily work using technology. 

I’m also happy to announce that the Office of Human Resources has announced plans to offer several professional development opportunities to UofL employees. This is something we’ve been wanting for staff, and I’ll make sure to announce these and encourage attendance once the schedule is set.

  • All Uofl employees and students have a subscription to Microsoft Office 365. That means you can access Microsoft Office and any documents you stored there anywhere you have internet access. You can also work collaboratively in real time. Go to and login using your (ex: and password. Once there, you will find a wide array of Microsoft collaborative software.
  • All UofL employees have free, unlimited, and secure cloud storage via CardBox. CardBox lets you securely share, and edit all your files from anywhere. To request a CardBox account, go to ULink > My Page > IT Information > Computer Accounts or see our Quick Start Guide (PDF). More info:
  • There are a number of administrative forms, including the faculty annual work plan (AWP), that require an Adobe certified electronic signature. Please note that you in order to use a certified digital signature in a PDF document, you don’t need anything other than the free Adobe Reader software. IMPORTANT: do not use alternate PDF readers to complete and/or sign forms. Use Adobe Reader only. 
    • For instructions on creating an Adobe certified signature, download this document or check out this quick video
    • For instructions on how to digitally sign your document using Adobe Reader, check out this video tutorial. If available, be sure the "Lock Document After Signing" is NOT checked. 

Change is difficult, but all of these changes have been implemented to help us improve and should make our work lives easier once we learn the new procedures. There are many staff in Arts & Sciences who are ready to assist you in mastering the new software and procedural changes. The new Dean's Office roster will help you identify the person with the expertise you need or the person who can direct you to the right person outside of A&S.

I hope to see all faculty and staff on Friday at our semester kickoff - Oktoberfest in August - where we will raise a glass to our new faculty and staff as well as those who have been promoted or are in new positions in A&S.

Kimberly Leonard
Kimberly Kempf-Leonard, Ph.D.

"Oktoberfest" in August
Friday, August 24th, 3PM
George J. Howe Red Barn

Don your lederhosen, grab your alpenhorn, and celebrate Oktoberfest a month early! Gather with your A&S colleagues in the Red Barn to kick off the Fall semester. 

If you plan to attend, please take a moment to register by clicking on "I'm Interested."

Supervisors: Please make arrangements for all staff to be able to attend at least part of the event whenever possible.

Great Place to Learn

First day of class celebrated with great video

Thanks to Eddie Bobbitt (Academic Counselor Sr.) who created this awesome “Dear Me” video to welcome and encourage our new students. According to Bobbitt, "This was a fun project to work on and I appreciate all those who participated. We have students, alumni, staff, athletic coaches, faculty and upper administration all represented. Enjoy and feel free to share!"

Summer Research & Student Mentorship

Kudos to the following faculty for mentoring students who participated in summer research and poster presentations. Unless stated otherwise, all faculty below were mentoring undergraduate students as part of the Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) which provides UofL undergraduate students, who would like to know more about graduate-level education at the University of Louisville, with a 10-week research experience in a department that offers graduate degrees.

  • Dave Brown (Physics & Astronomy)
  • Sarah Emery (Biology)
  • Sachin Handa (Chemistry)
  • Paul Himes (Biology)
  • Benne Holwerda (Physics & Astronomy)
  • Lara Kelland (History)
  • Carolyn Mervis (Psychological & Brain Sciences)
  • Mike Nantz (Chemistry)
  • Michael Perlin (Biology)
  • Mark Running (Biology)
  • Sandy Sephton (Psychological & Brain Sciences) – Mentored a medical student in the NCI Cancer Education Program
  • Kristin Swartz (Criminal Justice)
  • Deborah Yoder-Himes (Biology)  


UofL ConcernCenter 

ConcernCenter is a content management system that acts as a reverse directory. It allows students to search for resources on campus by indicating their concern. Instead of needing to know which office assists with which problems, ConcernCenter reverses the directory process by providing a list of resource offices associated with the concern the student selects. For example, if a student searches for “anxiety” they will be taken to a page that lists primary and related offices on the University of Louisville campus that can assist with “anxiety” concerns. More details and information

Mary K. Bonsteel Tachau Essay Contest

The Women's Center is accepting submissions from UofL undergraduate and graduate students for the Mary K. Bonsteel Tachau Essay Contest. The purpose of the contest is to raise awareness of the historical sociological attitudes toward women of the 20th Century and their impact on individuals and society as a whole.  Award amount for winning entries is $500 each for undergraduate and graduate students. Staff and faculty are encouraged to share with students information about this award.  Apply by October 15. More details and contact information (Scroll down to the essay contest section.)

Research!Louisville 2018: Call for Judges

October 8-12 Kosair Charities Clinical & Translational Research Building, Health Sciences Center
Faculty and post-docs are needed to judge posters at Research!Louisville. Sign up for judging online here. Additional information: email, 852-2553

Research!Louisville 2018: Call for Abstracts

October 8-12 Kosair Charities Clinical and Translational Research Building, Health Sciences Center
Faculty, post-docs, research associates, residents, clinical fellows, research staff, PharmDs, graduate and professional students are invited to submit an abstract on their life science research for a poster presentation at Research!Louisville. Abstract submissions are open July 23-September 7, 2018. Submit an abstract online hereAdditional Information: Email, 852-2553


Great Place to Work

Cultural Humility Academy

September 6, 2-4 p.m., HSC Instructional Building room 208
The Cultural Humility Academy is a cohort-based program where participants explore critical self-reflection and lifelong learning skills, examining power differentials, holding our institutions accountable, all while building a community of change agents at UofL. The first session for this pilot will begin on Sept. 6 from 2-4 p.m., and will include 12 sessions total. Participants will leave the academy with individual and departmental plans on implementing their Cultural Humility skills. Additional information: websiteemail 

UofL Football ticket deals available for Sept. 15 game

September 15, 7:30 p.m., Cardinal Stadium, $10
The Louisville Cardinals take the field vs. Western Kentucky Saturday, September 15 at 7:30 p.m. as we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week. As UofL Faculty and Staff we want to encourage you to bring your family and friends for an action packed night. Lower Level seats are available for $32/seat and upper level seats are available for $10/seat. Secure your seats online here

Women's Self-Defense Class available

August 29, 5-8 p.m., Conference Room, ULPD, Belknap Campus; Free
There is still space available for the R.A.D. self-defense program designed and created specifically for women. The program consists of easy to learn, effectively proven physical defense techniques, taught by a certified instructor. Classes are open to faculty, staff and students. The class will meet on Wednesday, August 29, for three consecutive weeks, with each session lasting 3 hours. Additional information: Sergeant Oscar Chavez, 852-8284

Reserve space in the SAC! 

Did you know that you can reserve space in the Student Activities Center? The newly renovated SAC has multiple meeting and event spaces that can be reserved by student groups, university departments, and the community at large. For questions about reserving space in the SAC for your meeting, event, or conference, please email or go to the online form at the Student Activities website.

Research Funding Opportunity

Pilot project grants from The Center for Restorative Medicine are available for seeding of novel research to facilitate additional funding, foster new collaborative partnerships and/or support junior faculty. We anticipate funding four pilot projects between $50,000 - $75,000 each. Faculty leadership will review for consistency with the mission of the Center for Restorative Medicine and advisory board will review proposals for innovation and scientific merit.  Applications are due September 15 for funding period of December 1, 2018 through November 30, 2019. Application details and instructions are available here.

2018 Kentuckiana Heart Walk

The University of Louisville is joining more than 120 Kentuckiana-area companies, hospitals, professional service firms for the 2018 Kentuckiana Heart Walk. UofL’s goal is to raise $75,000 for the AHA mission—to build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Why? Because heart disease and stroke are the #1 and #5 killers in the nation. Saturday, September 22nd at Louisville Waterfront Park, South Lawn; Registration & Festivities at 7AM; Walk at 8AM.  For more information and to register.

Great Place to Invest

Raise Some L - October 23-24

UofL’s annual Day of Giving will begin the evening of Oct 23. The alumni office is currently building out college or program level fundraising pages. L Raiser Ambassador sign-up will launch in September. We’ll be hosting an on-campus launch event for ambassadors to learn more and get signed up. More to come. If you have questions between now and then, please email Will Holley, Director of Annual Giving.

The Official Homecoming Event Calendar now available for submissions 

Oct 22-27, Campus-wide Belknap and HSC
Homecoming is just around the corner. Schools, Colleges, units and official UofL groups are invited to submit events to be included on the official homecoming event calendar. Visit the Louisville Alumni homecoming landing page to submit your event. Please note that Alumn is sending communications out to alumni in early Sept. regarding campus wide homecoming activities. The earlier events are submitted, the better, but there is no deadline for submission. Submit your events online. For more information or questions, contact

Diversity & Inclusion

SIGS Graduate Diversity Welcome Day

August 23, 5-6:30 p.m., Shumaker 139
The School of Interdisciplinary and Graduate Studies are inviting all New Graduate Students, Faculty and Staff to help welcome our new underrepresented graduate student population to our campus community. The event will kick off with a brief welcome from members of our campus community, and end with a networking mixer. This event will fill up quick. Please tell your graduate students about this event. RSVP by contacting Dr. Latonia Craig via email or 502-852-5207. Additional information: Registration


Prof. Jafar Hadizadeh interviewed

Prof. Jafar Hadizadeh (Geography & Geosciences) was interviewed for Louisville Magazine's August story "Fossils Under Our Feet." The interview is available here.

Prof. Suzanne Meeks Chosen as Next Editor of The Gerontologist

The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) — the nation’s largest interdisciplinary organization devoted to the field of aging — has named Prof. Suzanne Meeks (Psychological & Brain Sciences as the editor-in-chief of The Gerontologist, effective January 2019.

Prof. William F. Walsh & Prof. Gennaro F. Vito publish new textbook

Professors William F. Walsh and Gennaro F. Vito (Criminal Justice and the Southern Police Institute) have published a new textbook, Police Leadership and Administration (Routledge, 2018).

Prof. Dewey Clayton has article published

Prof. Dewey Clayton (Political Science) had an article published by the London School of Economics USA Public Policy Blog on August 13, 2018. It is titled "What Black Lives Matter can learn from the 1960s struggle for Civil Rights." It is based on the article "Black Lives Matter and the Civil Rights Movement: A Comparative Analysis of Two Social Movements in the United States", in the Journal of Black Studies.

Special Announcements

UofL Grieving

Last week we lost one of our students to suicide. We grieve with the friends and family.
Help is available to the Cardinal Family. Please remind students and those around you to reach out for help at any time by contacting the Counseling Center during business days between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at 502-852-6585, by calling the suicide prevention line at 1-800-273-8255, or text HOME to 741741 if you have thoughts of self-harm.

Suicide Awareness Training Initiative

A community initiative will take place next month during National Suicide Prevention Week, September 9-15. The Louisville Health Advisory Board's Behavioral Health Committee is attempting to set a world record by training the most individuals in Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR), which is a gatekeeper training to help people pick up on signs that someone is at risk for suicide, and feel comfortable enough to reach out to them and connect them to resources.  This is a free 1-hour training. If you are interested, you can sign up for one of the available time slots (there are dozens of them!) here:

In the News

Ribbon-cutting ceremony heralds opening of new academic building
UofL News, August 14, 2018
Featuring Dean Kimberly Kempf-Leonard

Online Campaign Launched To Nominate First Black Woman Kentucky Poet Laureate
WFPL, August 11, 2018
Mentions Prof. Ricky Jones (Pan-African Studies)