Monday Memo 2014-10-13

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Message from the Dean

Dear Colleagues,

Many thanks to those of you who attended President’s Ramsey’s presentation today. I was proud of the faculty who asked questions that were respectful, and important. It is clear we need to get organized quickly to raise our profile, and advance our research and creative agendas! We’ve got a lot to contribute to making this university shine even brighter, and I’m glad the confident that our ideas will be heard.

While it is true that not all our fields lend themselves to external funding from traditional granting agencies, many do. It is great  that we are actively engaged in getting external funding, as new sources of revenue for our work is getting more important. We’re working in my office to be able to help faculty even more, including through some new sources and for multidisciplinary research projects. For those of you with grants, please consult with us first. Lately, there have been several incidents in which difficulties experienced by PI’s could’ve been handled by the A&S Associate Dean’s office, but instead people went directly to the EVPR and OSPA offices with their frustrations. Please remember that we are working to raise our profile, and your communication with colleagues across campus reflects on all of us. October and November are months with a lot of RFP deadlines.

Let us know if we can help!


Kimberly Kempf-Leonard


General Announcements

  • If you missed President Ramsey’s presentation on the 21st Century University Initiative today, you can still attend tomorrow’s – Oct. 14, at 2 p.m. in the HSC Auditorium downtown.
  • Saturday, October 18th is  Homecoming. Our football team will face NC State at PJCS at 3:30 p.m. If you would like your name entered into a drawing for two of the Dean’s tickets, please stop by the Dean’s Office on the second floor of Gardiner Hall and fill out a ticket by 4 p.m. on Thursday, October 16. Winners will be contacted by phone.

Teaching & Instruction and
Research & Creative Activity Announcements

  • The latest Arts and Sciences Research Newsletter (Fall 2014 ) is available on the Research Office’s website.
  • Heads up! Early call for participation in the 2015 Kentucky Student Success Summit, March 30-31 at the Marriott East.. The Summit, sponsored by the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education, provides faculty, staff and administrators an opportunity to learn from leading student success experts and engage in discussions with colleagues from across the state. It will feature nationally-recognized experts who share evidence-based best practices to promote student learning and persistence. More information and registration will be available in the new year. Stay tuned.
  • 'Tis the season to file book orders!  We have a mandate from the Commonwealth to have book orders on file before students register, so please go to ordering site via the Campus Bookstore page and either order books for spring 2015 courses or click the box that says no books are required.

A&S In the News

  • Academic Counselor Sr. Eddie Bobbitt , the winner of this year’s WLKY Bell Awards for his community service to youth, will receive his award in a live telecast on Saturday, October 25 from 8:00-9:00 p.m.  Read more

Opportunities/Items of Interest

  • A&S Faculty Field Trip: Mindfulness Mini-Retreat led by Prof. Paul Salmon, Psychological & Brain Sciences. Participants will explore the foundations of mindfulness through a variety of practices. Discounted price of $20 for A&S faculty, staff and alumni. Vegetarian lunch included. Space limited. For more information and to register
  • Translation and the Global Humanities Conference open to  the whole university and Louisville communities, Oct. 16, 1 to 7 p.m. and Oct. 17, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. This two-day symposium will explore the many ways in which translation informs what we know and how we talk about the world around us. Featuring scholars from a broad range of disciplines. Registration is fee; $25 for keynote and lunch Additional information: click here or call 852-2247.
  • Theatre Arts students out and about!
    • Students to re-enact Louisville race-related sedition trial — The courtroom scene was Louisville 60 years ago, and the charge was sedition. Theatre Arts students will perform Oct. 24 in a civil rights drama that includes the trial re-enactment and connects the past with modern issues of race and housing. More info at
    • Students to join cast for world premiere of ‘Qu’ – 3 students will take their talents abroad next summer as part of the English-language world premiere for a new Italian play.  Louisville-area theater fans can learn more about the project and support the students’ trip at a fundraiser Oct. 17. More info on project and gala

Important Reminders

  • Please forward announcements that you want to appear in the Monday Memo to by Thursday at 12 Noon. Please put “Monday Memo” in the subject line. We cannot guarantee the inclusion of content that was not sent to us in this way.
  • Be sure to submit any department or program event to the University calendar. Once the event is submitted and approved, it will automatically show up on the A&S calendar. You can submit at Log in using your UofL user id and password. Quick instructional video

In this Issue

Message from the Dean


Teaching/Instruction and Research/Creative Activity Announcements

A&S in the News

Opportunities/Items of Interest


Upcoming A&S Events




A&S Advancement Resources

Follow us

A&S Dean’s Office
Gardiner Hall, 2nd Floor