A&S Curriculum Committee Minutes Dec 4 2007

College of Arts and Sciences

Curriculum Committee Minutes

December 4 , 2007


Members present: B. Bradley, J. Burnet, K. Chandler, P. Eason (Chair), N. Polzer, M. Rohmann, R. Taylor, J. Wallin (A&S Student Council)


Members absent: C. Hanchette


Guests: D. Brown (PHYS), A. Furr (SOC), J. Grubola (FA), D. Lai (FA)



The minutes of the meeting of November 27 were approved as distributed.


The committee set Fridays, 11:00-12:30, as its meeting time for the spring 08 semester.


The committee recommended funding of a teaching improvement grant (revised) from the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences.


The following course actions were approved, effective Summer 2008. [Graduate courses must also be reviewed in the Graduate School.]


SOC 415: Sociology of Death and Dying (new course)

SOC 420: Sociology of Sport (prerequisite change)

SOC 510: Computerized Data Analysis (title/course number change to SOC 609)

SOC 520: Sociology of South Asia (new course) (approval conditional upon receipt of a revised syllabus which reflects the different requirements for undergraduate and graduate students)

SOC 550: Voluntarism (prerequisite change)

SOC 610: Seminar in Statistics II (title/prerequisite change)


ENGL 309: Advanced Academic Writing (title/description change)


WGST 513/HIST 513/PAS 513/SCHG 513: U.S. Social Justice Movements (new course)


ARTH 331: Approaches to Chinese Art (new course)

ARTH 337: Landscape Art of China and Japan (new course) (expanded syllabus to be received prior to submission to the Provost’s Office)

ARTH 339: Cities, Architecture, and Gardens in China and Japan (new course)

ARTH 531: Studies in Asian Art (new course) (approval conditional upon receipt of a revised syllabus which reflects the different requirements for undergraduate and graduate credit)

ARTH 642: Modern Perspectives in the Visual Arts (new course) (CIF to be revised prior to submission to the Graduate School)

ARTH 743: Directed Readings (description/credit hour change

ARTH 744: Directed Readings (description/credit hour change)

[approval of 743 and 744 contingent upon clarification of the number of hours in each course that a student might apply to specific requirements in the doctoral program]


ART 383: Papermaking (new course)

ART 570: Design for Public Issues (new course)

ART 598: Portfolio Development in Graphic Design (credit hour change)



The committee discussed and recommended approval of the proposal from the Department of Physics for a B.S. in Atmospheric Science. Recommendation included the approval of the following new courses:

PHYS 361: Atmospheric Thermodynamics

PHYS 362: Physical Meteorology

PHYS 365: Severe Weather

PHYS 461: Synoptic Meteorology I

PHYS 462: Synoptic Meteorology II

PHYS 465: Dynamic Meteorology I

PHYS 466: Dynamic Meteorology II


The committee likewise recommended approval of the proposal for a Ph.D. in Physics and Astronomy. One new course, PHYS 650: Research Methods, was a part of the proposal and the committee wished to see a revised syllabus for the course prior to the processing of the degree proposal.

