A&S Curriculum Committee Minutes Nov 17 2006

College of Arts and Sciences

Curriculum Committee Minutes

November 17, 2006


Members present: K. Chander, P. Eason, C. Hanchette, N. Polzer, M. Rohmann, D. Swanson, R. Taylor

Members absent: M. Flairty, S. Parkhurst

Guests: R. Buchanan (LAS), C. Cashon (Psyc)


The minutes of the meeting of November 3 were approved as distributed.


The committee discussed the proposal for a Latino Studies minor with Dr. Buchanan. Two concerns were the minimal differences between the Latino Studies minor as proposed and the existing Latin American Studies minor and the absence of language study beyond the 100-level. The committee recommended that some language at the 200-level be required and Dr. Buchanan agreed to return this recommendation to the committee designing the minor.


Changes were approved to the major in French, effective Fall 2007, expanding the options for supporting courses outside the Division of Humanities.


The proposal to make 75 completed hours prerequisite for HUM 591-596 was approved, effective Summer 2007.


The following course changes/adds were approved, effective Summer 2007:

(Graduate courses must also be approved by the Graduate School.)

  • ENGL 507: Teaching Creative Writing—WR (new course)
  • LAS 310: Intro to Latin American Studies (title/description change)
  • LAS 314: Special Topics in Latino Studies—WR (new course)
  • LAS 401: Latino Studies Internship (new course)
  • PHIL 519/619: Topics in Race and Racism (new course)
  • PHIL 529/629: Philosophy of Emotions (new course)
  • PHIL 621/BETH 621: Ethical Theory (new course)
  • PHIL 685/BETH 685: Integrative Bioethics (new course)
  • PSYC 435: Seminar in Infancy—WR (new course)
