A&S Curriculum Committee Minutes, 11/02/05

College of Arts and Sciences

Curriculum Committee Minutes

November 9, 2005


Members present: A. Allen, B. Beattie (Chair), K. Chandler, P. Eason, S. Parkhurst,

M. Rohmann, D. Swanson, R. Taylor

Members absent: M. Lorenz (A&S Student Council)

Guests: R. Roebuck (CML)

The minutes of the meeting of November 2 were approved as distributed.

Funding was recommended for a Teaching Improvement Grant from the Department of Philosophy.

The following course actions were approved, effective Summer 2006. [Graduate courses must also be reviewed in the Graduate School, and proposals for General Education must be approved by the General Education Course Committee.]

PHIL 319: Philosophy of Race and Racism (new course; CD1)

PHIL 538: Critical Social Theory (new course; undergraduate credit only)

PHIL 637: Philosophy of the Social Sciences (new course)

PHIL 638: Critical Social Theory (new course)

ENGL 368: Minority Traditions in English Literature (new course; CD2)

ENGL 369: Minority Traditions in American Literature (new course: CD1)

The Committee discussed the proposal of the Department of Classical and Modern Languages to create a new rubric for course offerings: World Languages and Culture. As the department indicated it planned to propose a new degree in this area, action on individual courses was deferred until they could be reviewed in concert with the degree proposal.

The committee returned to consideration of proposed changes to the major in English. The following changes were approved: addition of 3 hours of elective credit at the 400-level or above in the department (for a total of 9 hours credit in ENGL at 400-level or above). Electives in Humanities disciplines, other than English, at the 300-level or above were reduced from 15 to 12 hours. The committee did not approve the proposal to change the requirement for 3 hours in HUM 591-596 to a general requirement for an elective in a Humanities discipline at the 400-level or above.

The committee discussed the ad hoc committee recommendation for a language requirement in B.S. degree programs and will continue this discussion at its next meeting.
