A&S Curriculum Committee Minutes, 10/19/05
College of Arts and Sciences
Curriculum Committee Minutes
October 19, 2005
Members present: A. Allen, B. Beattie (Chair), K. Chandler, P. Eason, M. Lorenz (A&S Student Council), S. Parkhurst, M. Rohmann, D. Swanson, R. Taylor
Guests: J. Dietrich, R. Kimball, G. Mayer
The minutes of the meeting of September 21 were approved as distributed.
Maggie Lorenz was welcomed to the committee as the representative from the A&S Student Council.
The committee recommended funding of teaching improvement grant proposals for the departments of history and fine arts. Recommendation was deferred on a proposal from the Department of Philosophy, pending receipt of additional information on budget and assessment.
Course actions are effective Summer 06, unless otherwise noted. Graduate courses must also be reviewed in the Graduate School before the action is final.
Prerequisite changes were approved to MATH 700 and 710.
LAS 310: Introduction to Latin American Studies (formerly LBST 310) was approved.
Action was deferred on LAS 400: Internship, pending receipt of additional information.
The committee discussed course/degree changes from the Department of Chemistry, the proposal for a minor in Russian, and proposed changes to the major in English, but action was deferred on the items for additional information and/or departmental representation.
The committee agreed to supplement its regular meetings with a meeting on October 26.