A&S Curriculum Committee Minutes, 09/21/05
September 21, 2005
Members present: A. Allen, B. Beattie (Chair), K. Chandler, P. Eason, S. Parkhurst, M. Rohmann, D. Swanson, R. Taylor
The minutes of the meeting of September 7, 2005, were approved as distributed.
The committee returned to its discussion of the proposal from the Department of English to remove the divisional requirement of 3 hours in HUM 591-596 from its degree program. After examining the constitution of the Division of Humanities, the committee determined that under the division’s constitution the proposal should be returned to the department and division, there being a procedure in the constitution for resolving such points of dispute prior to forwarding items to the College Curriculum Committee.
A proposal for a minor (18 hours) in Greek was approved.
The following new courses were approved, effective Summer 2006. (Graduate courses must also be approved by the Graduate Council before they are added to the inventory.)
COMM 325: Communicating Hip-Hop
COMM 335: Video Communication
ENGL 370: Study Abroad
ENGL 660: African American Literature
ENGL 692: Topics in Interpretive Theory Since 1900
FREN 655: Independent Reading