A&S; Curriculum Committee Minutes, 03/12/03


March 12, 2003

Members Present: G. Barnes, A. Kolers, J. McLeod, R. Roebuck, M. Rohmann, E. Segal (Chair), R. Taylor, W-B. Zeng

Members Absent: E. Glass (A&S; Student Council)

Guests: A. Futrell (COMM), D. Gibson (CHEM)

The minutes of the meeting of February 12 were corrected to indicate that Professor Roebuck was not in attendance. With that correction, the minutes were approved as distributed. The minutes of the meeting of February 26 were approved as distributed.

Following discussion with Professor Futrell, COMM 175 was returned to the department for revisions to the syllabus. The item was removed from the agenda.

The request to change TA 525 to a P/F course was withdrawn by the department.

The following course actions were approved, effective Fall 2004.
PAS 346/546: African Languages in the Diaspora (credit may not be earned for both courses)-new course
PAS 347/547: Language and Protest (credit may not be earned for both courses)-new course
ART 531: Advanced Ceramics: Wheelthrowing (title/description change)
ART 532: Advanced Ceramics: Sculptural Forms (title/description change)

Several changes to the Chemistry program were approved, effective Fall 2004 unless otherwise noted.

CHEM 529: prerequisite change from CHEM 528 to CHEM 527 and completion of or concurrent registration in CHEM 515.

CHEM 445 and 450 were added to the advanced electives approved for the BA in Chemistry. (Effective Fall 2003.)

The format of the General Chemistry Lab sequence was changed. The current lab courses--203, 205, and 206--were deleted. They will be replaced by 4 new courses (CHEM 207, 208, 209, and 210) which will consist of 1 hr lecture and 3 hrs lab per week, in a 7-week format, for 1 credit hour.

CHEM 341: prerequisite change to CHEM 202 and 209.
CHEM 470: prerequisite change to CHEM 210.

Changes were approved to credit for Advanced Placement Examinations, effective for students entering the University in Fall 2003.

A score of 3 or above on the examination in Political Science will receive credit for 3 hours lower-division elective in Political Science. (Currently a score of 4 or better is required for credit.)

A score of 3 on the AB Calculus examination will receive 3 hours of credit, to be used in place of MATH 180: Elements of Calculus.
[A score of 4 or 5 on the AB Calculus examination will continue to receive 4 hours of credit, to be used in place of MATH 205: Calculus I.]

An AB subscore of 3 on the BC Calculus examination will receive 3 hours of credit, to be used in place of MATH 180. A score of 3 on the BC examination with a 2 or less on the AB sub score would receive only 3 hours unspecified (not Math) credit.
[A score of 4 or 5 on the BC Calculus examination will continue to receive 8 hours credit, to be used in place of MATH 205 and 206.]

Action of PSYC 690 was deferred, pending receipt of additional information from the department.

The scheduled meeting of March 26 was cancelled. The committee's next meeting will be April 9.