Scholarship Application
The College of Arts & Sciences
A complete application consists of:
- A completed application form
- Unofficial transcripts (Uploaded)
- Two (2) letters of recommendations
- Personal statement (Uploaded)
Please note: The sum of all institutional aid received cannot exceed the university’s total standard direct cost of attendance plus a stipend. Items in the standard direct cost include regular on-campus tuition charges*, average room**, average board***, and average book costs***. For more information regarding the University stacking/overaward policy, be visit the following website:
The University of Louisville does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, color, national origin, ethnicity, creed, religion, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, marital status, pregnancy, or disability of an otherwise qualified individual in educational programs and activities. Accordingly, while a program or activity may be focused on the needs or issues of a particular group, they are intended to be inclusive of all, and any participant may benefit from attendance or participation in these programs and activities.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
DEADLINE: The deadline for next academic year scholarships has been extended to April 1st.