Hite Art News

All news from Hite Art Institute, Department of Fine Arts

All news from Hite Art Institute, Department of Fine Arts

Raise Some L 2021
Welcome to the Hite Art Institutes Raise Some L Campaign!
Push Comes to Shove
September 28- November 20, 2020
TOKYO Before / After
October 2 - October 31, 2020
Spring 2020 MFA Thesis Exhibition
September 3 - October 10, 2020 Cressman Center for Visual Arts
Current Gallery Hours
Interior Design Portfolio Day
Graphic Design Portfolio Day
Spring 2020 BFA Thesis Exhibition
April 16 - May 22, 2020
Peter Williams: Artist Talk with Prof. Chris Reitz
Artist talk with Peter Williams and UofL Hite Art Institute Gallery Director Chris Reitz. The two discuss Williams' current exhibition Peter Williams: Incarceration at the Cressman Center for Visual Arts, Louisville, KY.
Zed Saeed: American Nocturne
Zed Saeed: American Nocturne MFA Thesis Exhibition
Shae Goodlett: Invocation
MFA Thesis Exhibition
Peter Williams: Incarceration
February 7-March 21, 2020
Our World Our Say
January 10-February 6, 2020
Annual Student Exhibition
December 20- February 1, 2020
Professor Delin Lai presents at Hunan University
2019 OSW Juried Exhibition
November 1 - December 14, 2019
2019 BFA Thesis Exhibition
November 21- January 3, 2020
Artist Panel at 21c Museum Hotel
Hite Student Receive Scholarships
BFA Fall 2019 exhibition