Transfer Application Checklist

Transfer Applicants with less than 24 transferrable hours of credit


Complete UofL's Take Flight application.

Take Flight Application about


Pay your non-refundable application fee of $30

View the application fee waiver requirements. about


Submit your Test Scores.

Either ACT (American College Test) test scores or SAT (Educational Testing Service) test scores may be submitted. Test results may be submitted from the testing agency or may appear on the official high school or college transcript.


Submit your official high school transcript(s) including date of graduation*.

*An official transcript must also be submitted from EACH college or university attended even if credit was not earned. It is the responsibility of the student to contact each individual college or university attended concerning transcript request and fees. All University of Louisville transcripts will automatically be submitted with this application.

Transfer Applicants with more than 24 transferrable hours of credit


Complete UofL's Take Flight application.

Take Flight Application about


Pay your non-refundable application fee of $30.


Submit your official college transcript(s).

An official transcript must be submitted from EACH college or university attended even if credit was not earned. It is the responsibility of the student to contact each individual college or university attended concerning transcript request and fees. All University of Louisville transcripts will automatically be submitted with this application.