Committees 2024-2025


Staff Senate Standing Committees Descriptions 
Committee Name Chair - Committee chairs may change after the first meeting of the new year.
Committee on Anti-Racism Efforts (CARE)           Chair:  Leondra Gully Vice Chair: Nakia Strickland
Credentials & Nominations Committee (C&N) Chair:   Barbara Bishop Vice Chair: Kristin Roberts
Executive Committee (EC) Chair: Kevin Ledford Vice Chair: Kari Donahue
Policy & Economic Development Committee (PED) Chair: Tessa McGilbra Vice Chair: Heather Gentry
Services & Facilities Committee (S&F) Chair: Mark Woolwine  Vice Chair: Katie Hasper
Staff Grievance Committee (SGC) Chair:  Vice Chair: 
Staff Help & Assistance Relief Efforts (SHARE) Chair: Tammy Lawson Vice Chair: Lisa Floore
Staff Morale & Engagement Committee (SME) Chair: Skip Hurley  Vice Chair: Stephanie Kittle
University Wide Committees
Committee Name Staff Senate Representative Term

Academic Technology Committee 

Senators Appointed: 1

Term of Appointment: One year Description: This committee advises the University Provost on information technology issues, and it plans long-term developments to maintain the university’s leadership statewide in information technology.

Contact: Dr. Karlis Kaugars, CIO

Seth Boone 2025

ADA Advisory Committee 

Senators Appointed: 1

Term of Appointment: One year

Description: The UofL ADA Advisory Committee (ADAAC) is intended to serve as a resource to UofL's ADA Coordinator (Coordinator) and the university community by providing a channel for stakeholders throughout the UofL community, whose work or study is impacted in a broad range of ways in a broad range of contexts by ADA compliance-related issues, to communicate and discuss areas of interest and concern with the Coordinator and other UofL experts and stakeholders. The ADAAC is intended to provide a forum for those individuals and their UofL constituents to share their perspectives and concerns on an ongoing basis, and to provide a forum for an ongoing campus-wide dialogue on concerns and possible solutions, specifically aimed at promoting ADA compliance and best practices throughout the university. Particular emphasis will be placed on difficult or evolving areas of the law where clear regulatory guidance may be recently introduced, developing, incomplete, or absent. The ADAAC shall have no independent policymaking authority, but will as appropriate and as requested serve as a source of information and suggested changes in UofL's policy and/or approach to university leadership as to ADA-related issues, and will provide a vehicle through which suggested changes to or comments on UofL's policies and/or practices may be introduced.

Contact: Title IX Officer

Barbara Bishop 2025

Benefits Design Work Group 

Senators Appointed: 2 (PED Chair will hold one seat)

Term of Appointment: One year

Description: The Benefits Design Workgroup (BDW) is an employee representative group formed to provide university employees an opportunity for input into the development of university benefit plan options. The BDW obtained significant benefits knowledge during multiple educational sessions with UofL’s benefits consultants. During workgroup meetings, the BDW viewed benefit plan designs through an employee lens and, if needed, provided input on plan alternatives. The BDW will continue to meet, as needed, to further review benefit plan options and provide feedback to HR.

Contact: Director of Total Rewards/Vice President of HR

TBD 2025

Bookstore Advisory Committee

Senators Appointed: 1

Term of Appointment: One year

Description: This committee meets to advise and make recommendations on issues regarding the campus bookstore.

Meeting frequency: This committee meets 1 time prior to the book adoptions due date each semester. Additional meetings may be called as needed.

Contact: Contract Administration-Bookstore 

Kristin Roberts 2025

Commission on Diversity and Racial Equality (CODRE) 

Senators Appointed: 1

Term of Appointment: Two-year appointment

Special Condition: Senate recommends multiple names to the President for selection. Appointment to CODRE will also include a seat on the Staff Grievance Committee (SGC).

Preferred Requirement: Appointees should have served at least one full year as a staff senator before representing the senate on this committee.

Description: The commission meets to advise the President on issues of diversity, to monitor and assess unit action plans to develop and implement initiatives to enhance campus diversity, and serve as the Campus Environment team.

Contact: CODRE Chair

Leondra Gully 2025

Commission on the Status of Women (COSW) 

Senators Appointed: 1

Term of Appointment: Two-year appointment

Special Condition: Senate recommends multiple names to the President for selection. Appointment to COSW will also include a seat on the Staff Grievance Committee (SGC).

Preferred Requirement: Appointees should have served at least one full year as a staff senator before representing the senate on this committee.

Description: The commission serves as the President's chief policy advisor on the status of women at UofL, monitors and assesses unit action plans to implement the University's responses to the Task Force on the Status of Women, and recommends initiatives that should be undertaken to make the University more welcoming to and supportive of women. 

Contact: COSW Chair
Kim Noltemeyer  2026

Community Engagement Steering Committee 

Defaults to SME Committee Chair

TBD 2025

Digital Experience Board

Senators Appointed: 1

Term of Appointment: One year

Description: The primary function of the Digital Experience Board will be to review and consider requests for enhancement, extension or remediation for the various tools and associated needs within the Digital Experience Platform (DXP).

Contact: Office of Communications and Marketing

Christopher Dye 2025

Dining Service Advisory Committee

Senators Appointed: 1

Term of Appointment: One year

Preferred Requirement: Simultaneous appointment to the Senate’s Services & Facilities (S&F) committee is preferred.

Description: This committee provides advice to the Assistant Director Procurement Diversity and Auxiliary Contracts on matters pertaining to dining service operations, including location of dining service outlets, quality and quantity of products, service, product lines or offerings, as well as any other dining service related matter.

Meeting frequency: This committee meets twice a semester. Once a few weeks after the start of the semester and again prior to the end of the semester. Additional meetings may be called as needed.

Contact: Contract Administration-Dining Services 

David Henry 2025

Faculty Senate/Executive Committee

Senators Appointed: 2

Term of Appointment: One year

Description: This representative is to attend the Faculty Senate and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee meetings and act as a liaison between the Staff and Faculty Senate’s by reporting on progresses of the Staff Senate to the Faculty Senate. One appointment is as ex-officio (voting) and the second is ex-officio (non-voting) member.

Contact: Faculty Senate Chair

Becky Patterson (Voting)

Paula Hensel  (Non-Voting)      


Faculty Senate/Academic Programs Committee

Senators Appointed: 1

Term of Appointment: One year

Preferred Requirement: Current or prior experience working for an academic unit is preferred.

Description: This is a Faculty Senate governed committee, whose responsibilities are to recommend criteria for evaluation of proposals for academic programs, elimination or alteration of academic programs, and monitoring existing programs as directed by the Faculty Senate. Appointment is as an ex-officio (non-voting) member.

Contact: Faculty Senate Chair/Faculty Senate Academic Programs Committee Chair

Laura Edwins 2025

Faculty Senate/Planning & Budget Committee

Senators Appointed: 1

Term of Appointment: One year

Preferred Requirement: Simultaneous appointment to the Senate’s Policy, Economics and Development (PED) committee is preferred.

Description: This is a Faculty Senate governed committee; whose responsibilities are to carry on strategic and long-range planning and budget processes and to make recommendations on priorities to the Faculty Senate. Appointment is as ex-officio (non-voting) member.

Contact: Faculty Senate Chair/Faculty Senate Planning & Budget Committee Chair

Adam Detherage 2025

Human Resource Advisory Committee (HRAC) 

Senators Appointed: 4

Term of Appointment: Two years for regular senate appointments, with appointments ending in alternate years. One year each for the Senate Secretary/Treasurer and PED Chair.

Special Condition: Per Staff Senate by-laws, one seat defaults to the elected Secretary/Treasurer, and one seat defaults to the elected Chair of the Policy, Economics and Development (PED) committee.

Preferred Requirement: Of the regular senate appointees, it is preferred that at least one is simultaneously appointed to the Senate’s Policy, Economics and Development (PED) committee.

Description: This committee shall advise the Associate Vice President for Human Resources regarding policy, practice, and programs. It acts as a sounding board for proposed changes prior to going to individual constituent groups.

Contact: Vice President HR

Sec-Treasurer - Carcyle Barrett

PED Chair - Tessa McGilbra   2025           

At Large - Jody Carroll  2025 

At Large - Mani Vangalur  2026                                       


Intellectual Property Committee

Senators Appointed: 1

Term of Appointment: Two years

Special Condition: Senate recommends multiple names to the Executive Vice President for Research for selection.

Description: This committee shall periodically review for the President of the University all activities of the Technology Director and shall issue an annual report to the President on its activities and the status of the University's Intellectual Property holdings; review and evaluate procedures to encourage the development and commercialization of the University's Intellectual Property; and review disputes between the Creator or appeals by faculty, staff, other employees, or students subject to this Policy and recommend resolution.

Contact: EVPRI

Adam Detherage 2025

Legislative Monitoring Advisory Committee (LMAC)

Senators Appointed: 1

Term of Appointment: Two years

Description: The LMAC meets weekly during January through April, to closely monitor bills that have been presented by the House and Senate that advance the University’s interest.

Contact: Associate VP for Government Relations

Kim Sanders



Meal Plan Waiver Committee

Senators Appointed: 1

Term of Appointment: One year

Description: This committee deals with university financials relating to student meal plan accommodations.

Contact: SGA-Services Vice President

Lisa Floore


Parking Advisory Committee

Senators Appointed: 2 (1 from Belknap, 1 from HSC)

Term of Appointment: One year

Special Condition: The senator appointed to represent the Belknap campus will work on the Belknap Campus, and the senator appointed to represent the Health Sciences campus will work on the Health Sciences Campus. This is regardless of the constituency group that the senator may represent.

Description: The purpose of the Parking Advisory Committee is to review parking issues related to policy and planning and to make recommendations to Parking Administration and the Associate Vice President for Administration. The Committee also serves as communication medium between Parking Administration and various constituencies within the University.

Contact: Director Parking Administration

Belknap -Charles Carter

HSC - Lana Eagleton


Parking Appeals Committee

Senators Appointed: 4 (2 from Belknap, 2 from HSC)

Term of Appointment: Two years; appointments end for one senator from each campus in alternate years.

Special Condition: The senators appointed to represent the Belknap campus will work on the Belknap Campus, and the senators appointed to represent the Health Sciences campus will work on the Health Sciences Campus. This is regardless of the constituency group that the senator may represent.

Description: This committee reviews submitted parking citation appeals with the University Parking Rules and Regulations as the foundation for which to adjudicate same.

Contact: Director Parking Administration

Belknap -   Angela Cox

Belknap -  Bekka Shelton                                

HSC - Skip Hurley

HSC - Laura Edwins






Retirement Oversight Committee

Senators Appointed: 1

Term of Appointment: Three Years

Description: The University of Louisville (“University”) has established this Retirement Oversight Committee (the “ROC” or the “Committee”) in order to select, monitor and modify as the Committee determines appropriate, the alternative investment options made available under the Retirement Plans established by the University and among which the participants in the Plans may allocate their accumulated benefits in the plans. The Committee serves as fiduciary with respect to the retirement plans sponsored and maintained by the University of Louisville and to fulfill other responsibilities as the President may assign to it from time to time.

Contact: Director of Total Rewards

Trey Seibert 2026

Student Government Association (SGA)

Senators Appointed: 1

Term of Appointment: One year

Description: The senate representative to the SGA is to attend SGA meetings, typically held bi-monthly on a Tuesday evening, and act as a liaison by reporting on the progress of the Staff Senate to the students.

Appointment is as ex-officio (non-voting) member.

Contact: Dean of Students/VP Student Affairs 

Rebecca Ledford 2025

University Naming Committee 

Senators Appointed: 1

Term of Appointment: One Year

Description: The University Naming Committee replaces the University Advisory Committee on Designations and Awards. This committee is to make decisions regarding the naming of physical spaces, endowed funds, and academic units.

Contact: Vice President for University Advancement


April Waddell 2025

University Police Advisory Committee

Senators Appointed: 1

Term of Appointment: Two years

Description: This committee serves as an advisory group to the University Police, and includes providing advice on safety issues that impact the university, assisting with efforts to maintain a positive relationship between the University police and the university community, and assisting with University Police sponsored events.

Contact: Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police

Trey Seibert   2025
Committees that Default to Staff Senate Officers
University Board of Trustees Chair - Kevin Ledford
University Foundation Board of Directors Chair - Kevin Ledford
UofL Athletic Association (ULAA) Vice Chair - Kari Donahue
Human Resources Advisory Committee (HRAC) Secretary-Treasurer - Carcyle Barrett                                                                                                               
Updated 7.15.2024


University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky 40292

SENATE Office 

Office of the Provost

Grawemeyer Hall, 209

         SENATE OFFICERS                      staff senate application

       Kevin Ledford

      Kari Donahue

     Carcyle Barrett