New Senator Information

exterior photo of Ekstrom Library at nightA Senator’s primary responsibility is to represent the needs and interests of their constituents in the monthly Staff Senate meetings. As such, a Senator should garner input from constituents and share it with the Senate body. Additionally, it is incumbent upon the Senator to report back to their constituents any substantive information gleaned from the meetings and to keep them informed on issues being discussed. 

Attending the Meetings

Regular Staff Senate meetings occur on the second Tuesday of the month at 2:30 p.m. (There are no meetings in August and January.) Meetings are held online on the TEAMS platform. Once meeting dates are approved, invitations are sent out and the link to the TEAMS meeting will be on your Outlook calendar. 

Communicate With Constituents

As a Staff Senator, you are expected to regularly communicate with your constituents. Doing so will keep them informed as well as allow you to gather input. 

Constituent List

Each Senator is provided with a list of constituents and their email addresses at the beginning of the fiscal year. The most efficient way to email your constituents is to create an email distribution list. Instructions are sent with the constituent list.

Join A Committee

Read through the Staff Senate Committees to learn about their purpose and responsibilities. At the beginning of each term, complete and submit the Committee Preference form when prompted to do so. The Credentials and Nominating (C&N) committee reviews the forms and recommends committee assignments to the Executive Committee for approval. 

staff SENATE

University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky 40292

Senate office

grawemeyer hall

suite 209


senate OFFICERS                                                            staff senate application

Kevin Ledford
Kari Donahue 
Carcyle Barrett