Services & Facilities (S&F)

Services & Facilities (S&F) 2024 - 2025

 Committee Description: This committee shall be concerned with making recommendations to protect the interests of support staff with respect to environmental protection, physical work environments, work safety, security, parking, and to conduct continuing review of the long range master plan for the physical development of the university. In addition, this committee will be responsible to ensure that adequate physical facilities are available for any regular and special meetings of the Staff Senate.

Committee Composition: The Services and Facilities Committee shall be composed of seven members, including a Chair.  The Secretary/Treasurer of the Staff Senate shall serve as an ex-officio non-voting member of this committee.

Chair: Mark Woolwine | Vice Chair: Katie Hasper
Voting Members (7)
Chris Cheatwood
Jessica Combess
Katie Hasper
David Henry
Dennis Thomas
Zachary Williams
Mark Woolwine
Ex Officio Non-Voting Member
Staff Senate Secretary-Treasurer: Carcyle Barrett 
Updated: 7.16.2024







University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky 40292

SENATE Office 

Office of the Provost

Grawemeyer Hall, 209

         SENATE OFFICERS                      staff senate application

       Kevin Ledford

      Kari Donahue

     Carcyle Barrett