Cover of the SHARE brochureStaff Help Assistance & Relief Effort

From the moment you step on the Cardinal campus as a new staff member, walk down the hallways, offices, or labs, meet new friends…you immediately become one of our family. As part of that family, you enter a community of caring that goes beyond meetings and deadlines and work goals. We care for one another. That is one of the core principles of who we are as University of Louisville. 

Like loving families, we are there for one another in times of happiness and sorrow, triumphs and troubles. So when you need help, we want you to know about SHARE, the Staff Help Assistance Relief Effort program. 

Have you had a sudden misfortune that jeopardizes your housing or access to basic necessities? Has COVID-19 impacted your ability to pay rent or mortgage or other vital expenses to care for you and your family? 

When you experience temporary financial hardship due to an emergency, we are here to help. You can apply for financial assistance after a house fire or tornado, medical emergency or extended illness, death in your immediate family or other emergency situation. 

Your application request is eligible for an award up to $1000* and can be submitted up to twice a year. The process to apply is kept completely confidential.

View the guidelines to apply.

How to Donate to SHARE

 SHARE funds originate from employee contributions, donations, and various fund-raising campaigns organized by the Staff Senate SHARE Committee.

Ways to Donate to the SHARE program

  • KROGER REWARDS PROGRAM  (U of L Staff Senate S.H.A.R.E. Program) 
  • Personal checks made payable to University of Louisville (SHARE in memo) 
  • Cash donations 
  • One-time or recurring credit card online gift 
  • Fundraising events 

“I give to SHARE because UofL is a community that cares. We aren’t just a collection of individuals. It feels good to know that my gift will help a colleague in their time of need.” SHARE Donor

Download SHARE program marketing bifold.

staff SENATE

University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky 40292

Senate office

grawemeyer hall

suite 209


senate OFFICERS                                                            staff senate application

Kevin Ledford
Kari Donahue 
Carcyle Barrett