KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Awards

Jian Cai

1998 KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation: N-(carboxymethyl)valine adduct in hemoglobin: A biomarker of advanced glycation end product formation and oxidative stress

Mentor: Harrell E. Hurst, PhD

Adrian J. Fretland

1999 KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation: Pharmacogenetics of heterocyclic amine carcinogenesis

Mentor: David W. Hein, PhD

R. Scot Payne

2000 KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation: The corticosterone hypothesis of hyperglycemia-enhanced cerebral ischemic damage

Mentor: Avital Schurr, PhD

Jason R. Neale

2001 KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation: Bone-targeted estrogens: Structure-activity relationships and mechanistic studies

Mentor: William M. Pierce, Jr., PhD

Jason C. Lambert

2002 KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation: Zinc inhibition of acute ethanol-induced liver injury

Mentor: Y. James Kang, PhD

Yu (Janet) Zang

2003 KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Studen Award

Dissertation: Mechanistic studies on the T341C (Ile114Thr) single nucleotide polymorphism of human N-acetyltransferase 2

Mentor: David W. Hein, PhD

Anwar Husain

2004 KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation: Regulatory control regions of human arylamine N-acetyltransferase 1 and 2: Implications for genetic predisposition to breast cancer

Mentor: David W. Hein, PhD

Stephen Reeves

2005 KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation: Chronic intermittent hypoxia and respiratory plasticity

Mentor: David Gozal, MD

B. Frazier Taylor

2006 KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation: Arsenite inhibition of mitotic progression

Mentor: J. Christopher States, PhD

Jason M. Walraven

2007 KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation: Computational and functional analyses of human and rat N-acetyltransferase genetic variants N-acetyltransferase genetic variants

Mentor: David W. Hein, PhD

J. Phillip Kaiser

2008 KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation: The role of PKC-epsilon in models of alcohol- and toxin-induced liver disease

Mentor: Gavin E. Arteel, PhD

Nicole A. Lavender

2009 KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation: The role of genetic and environmental oxidative stress factors in prostate cancer

Mentor: La Creis R. Kidd, PhD

Shyam Sunder Bansal

2010 KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation: Development and evaluation of polymeric implants of curcumin for enhanced chemopreventive activity

Mentor: Ramesh Gupta, PhD

Lori M. Millner

2011 KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation: Functional analysis of N-acetyltransferase (NAT1*14B and NAT1*10) in complete NATb and NATa mRNA

Mentor: David W. Hein, PhD

Colins O. Eno

2012 co-winner of KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation: The role of endogenous Bcl-xL in regulation of apoptotic signaling pathways

Mentor: Chi Li, PhD

Akshata Moghe

2012 co-winner of KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation: Role of chromatin remodeling in curcumin-mediated regulation of gene expression in hepatocellular carcinoma

Mentor: Shirish Barve, PhD

Banrida Wahlang

2013 Winner of KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation: Evaluating the effects of polychlorinated biphenyls in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Mentor: Matthew C. Cave, MD

Pritesh P. Kumar

2014 Winner of KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation: Searching for novel ligands for the cannabinoid and related receptors

Mentor: Zhao-Hui (Joe) Song, PhD

Tess V. Dupre

2015 Winner of KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation:  Identifying novel renoprotective agents in cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury

Mentor:  Leah Siskind, PhD

Laila Al-Eryani

2016 Winner of KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation:  miRNA epression changes in arsenic-induced skin cancer in vitro and in vivo

Mentor:  J. Christopher States, PhD

Cierra Sharp

2017 Winner of KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation:A clinically relevant mouse model of cisplatin-induced kidney injury

Mentors: Leah Siskind, Ph.D. and Levi Beverly, Ph.D.

Rachel M. Speer

2018 Winner of KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation:  Mechanisms of chromate-induced suppression of RAD51: A one environmental health approach

Mentor:  John P. Wise, Sr., Ph.D.

Jamie L. Young

2019 Winner of KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation:  The effects of whole life, low dose cadmium exposure on high fat diet-induced NAFLD and the role of zinc

 Mentor:  Lu Cai, M.D., Ph.D.

Sophia M. Sears

2020 Winner of KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation:  Characterizing the role of macrophages in cisplatin-induced kidney injury and progression to chronic kidney disease

Mentors:  Leah J. Siskind, Ph.D. and Levi J. Beverly, Ph.D.


Sarah H. Shrader

2020 Winner of KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation:  Cannabidiol, behavior & the immune system in idiopathic autism spectrum disorder

Mentors:  Greg N. Barnes, M.D., Ph.D. and Zhao-hui (Joe) Song, Ph.D.


Jeffrey B. Warner

2021 Winner of KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award 

Dissertation:  Soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibition: A novel therapeutic strategy for alcohol-associated liver disease

Mentor:  Irina Kirpich, Ph.D., M.P.H.

Idoia Meaza Isusi

2022 Winner of KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award


Mentor:  John P. Wise Sr., Ph.D.

Micaela A. Reeves

2023 Winner of KC Huang Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Dissertation: EPICERTIN: preclinical development of a novel mucosal healing agent

Mentor:  Nobuyuki Matoba, Ph.D.