Typical Pathology Resident Schedule

This is an example of a 4-year pathology resident rotation schedule.  Each resident schedule will resemble this schedule but will vary depending on changes in schedules and time management.

A Typical Pathology Resident Program Schedule   


JulyOrientation/EMSurg PathCytology IINeuropath II
AugForensics ICytology IPeds PathHeme IV
SeptemberSurg PathCoagSPLSurg Path
OctoberSurg PathHeme II
ElectiveBlood Bank III
NovemberClinical Chem IMolecular I
Heme III
Cytology IV
DecemberMicro IAutopsy/Surg PathDerm PathLab Mgmt
JanuaryAutopsy/Surg PathBlood Bank IISurg Path
Surg Path
FebruaryBlood Bank 1Cytogenetics/ElectiveElectiveMicro III
Clinical Chem IIAutopsy/Surg PathSurg Path 
AprilForensic II
Surg PathMolecular II/ImmunologyElective
MayNeuropath I
Micro IISurg PathElective
JuneCytology IAutopsy/ Surg PathClin Chem IIIElective