Humanitarian Program
Dr. Kevin Potts has traveled numerous times to Ecuador and Kenya treating hundreds of children and adults who have minimal access to healthcare. Yearly, Drs. Potts and Bumpous lead a team of surgeons, anesthesiologists, CRNAs, nurses, and residents, that travels to Migori, Kenya. This opportunity allows residents to perform numerous thyroidectomies for patients with enlarged and symptomatic thyroid goiters. They also serve patients with many other additional Head and Neck pathologies.
The program is run in collaboration with Kenya Relief, whose mission is to rekindle hope for a new generation in Kenya through partnership between communities, uniting for a common good. According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, “residency is an optimal time to participate in humanitarian mission trips domestically and especially abroad. Such service can hopefully set a pattern for future service and can be a tremendous learning and teaching experience.”
“The educational value of mission work is immense—extending beyond clinical and surgical experience. Short-term mission work will help these young physicians become more compassionate and grateful as they prepare for their practice,” said Dr. Potts.