Core Facility

The Health Science Center Flow Cytometry Core Facility was formed by the merger of the Microbiology and Immunology and Brown Cancer Center Flow Cytometry Core Facilities. Located in the Clinical and Translational Research (CTR) building rooms 651 and 328, providing all investigators at the University of Louisville, or interested outside concerns, training and access to high quality affordable flow cytometry services.

Recent upgrades to state of the art equipment include a BD LSRFortessa, located in room 651, configured with a total of 4 lasers: 355nm (UV),

488nm (blue), 405nm (violet) and 640nm (red) supporting 16 colors plus 2 Scatter parameters. The addition of the UV laser will allow for the use of larger fluorescent panels by utilizing the growing family of Brilliant Ultra Violet (BUV) reagents, as well as a variety of Hoechst/DAPI dyes for DNA and cell cycle analysis. A BD FACSCanto, located in room 328, with 2 lasers: 488 (blue), 644 (red) supporting 6 colors and 2 scatter parameters. Both analyzers are currently under service contracts so researchers can be assured of a working flow cytometer.

For cell sorting a BD FACSAriaIII and a Beckman Coulter MoFlo XDP are available. The AriaIII is located in room 651and is configured with solid state 488nm (blue) and 633nm (red) lasers supporting 7 colors plus 2 scatter parameters. This AriaIII is currently under service contract. The FACSAriaIII cell sorter is capable of 4-way sterile sorting with available options including automatic cell deposition sorting (sorting into plates), sample and collection temperature control and an aerosol containment unit.

The Beckman Coulter MoFlo XDP, is a 3 laser High Speed Cell Sorter supporting  488 nm(Blue), 405 nm(Violet), and 635nm(Red), and is currently configured for nine colors plus 2 Scatter parameters. As a high speed sorter, event rates in excess of 38,000/second can be sustained.  We can certainly pick out your rare events.  It can sort four ways into catch tubes.  Samples can be in: Eppendorf, 12x75mm, 15ml, and 50 ml centrifuge tubes.  The MoFlo can deposit single cells into 96 well plates and is configurable to different sort logic for each well.  Cell collection can be completed in plates ranging from 6 to 1536 wells.

Investigators have the option, once trained, of scheduling and performing their own acquisition and analysis on the LSRFortessa and FACSCanto. Fees for use of the LSRFortessa are currently set at $45.00 per hour for University of Louisville investigators. Fees for use of the FACSCanto are currently set at $30.00 per hour. Fees for training are currently set at $200.00 per session (usually two sessions required for beginners) with reduced or no fees with proof of operating expertise.

Cell sorting on the FACSAria III or MoFlo XDP is performed only by the facility’s staff.  Cell sorting fees are currently set at $60.00 per hour for the AriaIII and $50.00 per hour for the MoFlo. A $50.00 setup charge for cell sorting will be added to the hourly fee.

Please contact Robert Miller at regarding scheduling or fee information for non-University users.