Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Treatment
Once a diagnosis and treatment plan has been reached, the therapeutic plan is discussed with the patient, their families, and their referring physicians. Currently, the initial treatment option for all forms of HCM involves medical managment. For the "obstructive" form of HCM, hypertropic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM), medical management is still the first-line therapy. However, if medical therapy fails in HOCM, both surgical and non-surgical corrective approaches are available.
Surgical Myectomy
Surgical myectomy involves open-heart excision of obstructive heart muscle and results in mechanical removal of the muscle segment obstructing flow out of the left side of the heart.
Non-surgical Treatment
Alcohol Septal Ablation is a non-surgical option for definitive correction of HOCM (obstructive-CM).This procedure involves injection of absolute alcohol into the blood vessel supplying the obstructive heart muscle and results destruction of the muscle segment obstructing flow out of the left side of the heart.