Cardiothoracic Fellowship
Welcome from Our Cardiothoracic Fellowship Director
Thank you for your interest in theAdult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology Fellowship program at The University of Louisville. The Division of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia offers advanced training in transesophageal echocardiography and the anesthetic care of cardiothoracic surgical patients. The one-year fellowship program is fully accredited by the American Council on Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). Our goal is to train graduates to become independent consultants of adult cardiothoracic anesthesiology. We will accomplish this goal through clinical rotations, weekly didactic sessions, multi-disciplinary academic conferences and test preparation for the Advanced Perioperative Transesophageal Exam by the National Board of Echocardiography (NBE). Whether graduates desire a career at an academic institution or a community hospital, the program's goal is to train outstanding clinicians.
On a personal note, it has been my goal to begin a cardiac anesthesia fellowship here in Louisville and I am excited to begin the process with you. I am committed to this program and to you. My vision is for our graduates to finish our program as excellent practitioners with all the skills and knowledge to be extraordinary physicians and leaders in the field of cardiothoracic anesthesiology. Please see the video below for more information on our fellowship.
Dana M. Settles MD
Fellowship Program Director
Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology
University of Louisville
The Division of Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesia is part of the Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine at the University of Louisville. The department is an academic and clinical department comprised of professional physicians, nurses and scientists, whose mission is to provide the best in clinical care, and discovery, in a collegial, academic environment.
Program Aims:
- to deliver exceptional, patient-centered care at the University of Louisville Hospital and Jewish Hospital to be a recognized authority in the evaluation and treatment of patients requiring critical care
- to provide superior education for fellows in the medical discipline and practice of Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesia and advance the teaching mission of the University of Louisville
- to develop superb, independent practitioners with the skills to be leaders in both private practice and academic medicine who will promote the advancement of the medical discipline of Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesia
- to promote an atmosphere of scholarly inquiry where our fellows are fully engaged in quality improvement, patient safety, and scientific pursuits
- to remain on the cutting edge of technology, technique, and tends within our specialty and incorporate the most current science into our training program.
Educational Program:
The educational program involves focused weekly didactic sessions designed specifically for ACTA fellows as well as multi-disciplinary conferences. These include:
- Weekly CTA fellow didactic session
- Weekly TEE reading sessions
- Monthly Cardiac M&M conference with CT surgery, anesthesia and critical care
- Quarterly CT Journal Club
- Annual attendance at a national society meeting
- Fellows will participate and be members of the Program Evaluation Committee
Each fellow is expected to design a systems based improvement project as well as present a research project or case report at a national conference.
It is a 12-month fellowship program with extensive training and rotation through the following disciplines and services:
- Cardiac Operating Room: 6 months
- Thoracic Operating Room: 1 month
- Cardiothoracic ICU: 1 month
- Congenital Cardiac Operating Room: 1 month
- Structural Heart: 1 month
- Transthoracic Echo: 1 month
- Research/Elective: 1 month*research, perfusion or additional TTE/structural heart option
Our Cardiothoracic Fellowship program began in 2021 when we received our ACGME-accreditation.
We proudly introduce to you our inaugural cardiothoracic fellows:

Dr. Roshan Babu, MD

Dr. Keith Byrne, MD
Cardiothoracic Fellow Stipend for the 2020-2021 Academic Year:
Stipend rates based on 2% increase for all PG levels. (Parking expenses were rolled into stipend beginning July 2010.) Fringe and administrative rate increase to 27.5% of annual stipend.
PGY 5 Annual $63,144.00 Monthly $5,262.00
Moonlighting opportunities are available for pain fellows with anesthesia background upon approval of the program director.
Benefits include the following:
- Vacations —20 days paid
- Book stipend of $500
- 5 days for educational conferences and $1500 total for expenses
- 5 days for interviews
- Life Insurance — Includes accidental death and dismemberment
- Health Insurance — Families can be included at minimal cost
- Worker's Compensation
- Long-term Disability Coverage
- Professional Liability Insurance
- Free Parking
- Lab Coats