Constitution Day 2013

As the University of Louisville's sponsor for U.S. Constitution Day, the McConnell Center invites K-6 students to compete in an art contest. Additionally, the Center is hosting a voter registration drive, complete with pocket-size Constitutions and free cupcakes.
When Sep 17, 2013
from 10:00 AM to 02:00 PM
Where University of Louisville
Contact Name
Contact Phone 502-852-8811
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As part of the McConnell Center's continuing mission to assist Kentucky citizens in developing a better understanding of the U.S. Constitution and American history, the McConnell Center is proud to sponsor UofL's celebration of Constitution Day.

"We are glad to be at the center of UofL's efforts to remind the American citizenry of our rich and essential constitutional heritage," said Gary L. Gregg, director of the McConnell Center. The following events are part of the McConnell Center's celebration of the 39 men who signed the U.S. Constitution in 1787.

Sept. 17: Voter Registration, Constitutions and Cupcakes (open to the public)

Register to vote! Free cupcakes and pocket-sized U.S. Constitutions will be available from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 17, on the second floor of the Student Activities Center.

Sept. 30: Constitution Day Art Contest (open to Ky. students, grades K-6)

Kentucky primary and elementary school students, grades K-6, are encouraged to compete in the McConnell Center's Constitution Day Art Contest. Scholarship awards ($100 for first place; $75 for second; $50 for third) will be awarded to top submissions according to grade level: K-2, 3-4 and 5-6. All materials, including a registration form, must be submitted by Sept. 30 at 5 p.m. EST.

Students may submit art (in the form of drawings, collages, paintings, prints, mixed media compositions and graphic design) that depicts, reflects on or interprets some aspect of the U.S. Constitution or events surrounding its framing. The work must be original. Students may use the following mediums: acrylics, inks, chalk, watercolors, tempura, felt markers, collage materials and oil pastels. Download compete registration and event information (downloads as a .doc file)