Electing the President in the 21st Century: A Survey on the Future of the Electoral College

October, 2001, at the University of Louisville
When Oct 03, 2001
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  • A survey of 55 top historians, political scientists, and legal scholars assessing the impact of the Electoral College in American history and the potential of its abolition or reform (with Andrew Busch, October 2001). It was the subject of dozens of radio interviews across the nation and an interview with Gary Gregg on C-Span's Washington Journal on November 8, 2001.


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About Us

The McConnell Center conducts a series of programs and conferences designed to improve Kentucky's understanding of its own history; assist Kentucky citizens in developing a better understanding of the U.S. Constitution and American history; and encourage open and free discussion of perennial concerns that inform contemporary events.

This event is funded in part by a U.S. Department of Education Teaching American History grant co-sponsored with the Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative, a consortium of 14 school districts serving over 50,000 students in north central Kentucky.