Teachers to help revive Daniel Boone's legacy in social studies curriculum
Kentucky social studies teachers, grades K through 12, are invited to attend a six-hour professional development workshop on "Exploring Kentucky's Gateway to the West: Reviving Daniel Boone's Legacy in Social Studies Curriculum" on April 12.
RSVP to Trisha Vaughn, the McConnell Center's Civic Education Coordinator, by March 15.
The workshop, to be held at Pine Mountain State Park and Cumberland Gap, is the McConnell Center's first regional professional development opportunity for southeastern Kentucky social studies teachers. Topics will include
Two professors from the University of the Cumberlands, Barry Vann, PhD and Nathan Coleman, PhD, will lead seminars on Daniel Boone, the principle of manifest destiny and geography of the region. Glenn Manns, a representative from the Kentucky Council for the Social Studies and the Kentucky Department of Education, will offer a lecture on how teachers can leverage Daniel Boone into social studies curriculum.
"Teachers will receive invaluable content and methods training at the workshop," said Trisha Vaughn, the McConnell Center's Civic Education Coordinator.
Lunch will be provided for participants, and teachers will receive 8 professional development hours and a free copy of Daniel Boone and the Opening of the American West DVD.