McConnell Center to examine 'The Cult of the American President'
Who: The McConnell Center's welcomes Gene Healy, JD, vice president of the Cato Institute, to discuss how role of the presidency has changed over the course of American history.
What: "Presidents as the Problem: Reining in the Cult of the American President”
When: Monday, March. 20, 6-7 p.m
Where: Ekstrom Library’s Chao Auditorium, University of Louisville’s Belknap Campus (directions)
Background: Author of “The Cult of the Presidency,” Healy's research interests include executive power, the role of the presidency and over criminalization. He notes that Americans have increasingly expanded presidential power over recent decades by expecting the president to provide solutions for all national problems and protection from harm. He argues that the president’s role needs to return to its constitutionally defined limits, with powers held in check by Congress and the courts.
The non-partisan McConnell Center, created at UofL in 1991, prepares Kentucky’s top undergraduate students to become future leaders; offers civic education programs for teachers, students and the public; and conducts strategic leadership development for the U.S. Army.
The event is free and open to the public. No RSVP required