Director delivers 'Washington Night' address to Scottish Rite Temple
Reacting to a new Gallup Poll that ranked George Washington fifth among America's presidents, McConnell Center director Gary Gregg visited the Scottish Rite Temple in Louisville Feb. 24 to deliver remarks for the organization's annual "Washington Night."
With an iconic image of Washington looming over his shoulder, Gregg delivered remarks aimed at explaining his position that Washington must be considered the greatest president.
"Quite simply," Gregg argued, "there would be no presidency at all without him. Washington proved to have the character necessary upon which to establish an office which had never been seen in world history."
Gregg argued Washington received a constitutionally vague office which he had to interpret and implement for the first time. "Every other president has had the advantage of inheriting an office first brought to life by Washington," he said.
Gregg also discussed some of the influences that formed Washington's character, including the 18th century play called "Cato: A Tragedy." Considerable discussion ensued after Gregg's remarks during a book signing session and tour of the Temple library.