UEPC Charge
The University Educator Preparation Committee (UEPC) is an oversight committee that is tasked with reviewing educator preparation at a university-wide level. The educator preparation accrediting bodies of NCATE (now CAEP) and EPSB require that institutions be responsible for educator preparation at the university level. The UEPC meets bi-annually and is under the oversight of the University of Louisville's Office of the University Provost. The Provost's office schedules the committee's meetings, and the meetings are headed by the University Provost with support from the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) Dean's office. The committee coordinates with local and regional school districts and organizations to ensure that the needs of educator preparation within CEHD's external constituencies are met.
Function of the committee:
- to provide a formal avenue of collaboration and timely communication between the CEHD, other units that house programs related to educator preparation (College of Arts and Sciences, Kent School of Social Work, and School of Music), and P-12 school districts;
- to make recommendations to the CEHD on issues related to educator preparation, program revision and enhancement, and the CEHD Continuous Assessment System;
- to annually review CEHD assessment data reports and analyses and provide input on the accuracy, fairness, and consistency of program expectations and assessments;
- to ensure coordination of curriculum changes that would impact CEHD and collaborative units;
- to review program/unit needs and coordinate the scheduling of courses that affect educator preparation programs.
Structure: The UEPC consists of:
- Provost's office representative(s);
- CEHD Dean or designee, Vice Dean, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Accountability Coordinator, Assessment Coordinator, representatives from the Nystrand Center of Excellence in Education, Office of Educator Development and Clinical Practice, Partnerships and Development, Unit Assessment Committee, and faculty;
- Deans or Deans' designees, Associate Deans for Academic Affairs, and representative faculty and other administrators from university units that house programs related to educator preparation (College of Arts and Sciences [representatives from English, ESL, Art, Math, Science, World Languages], Kent School of Social Work, and School of Music);
- Representatives from P-12 school districts (OVEC, JCPS, and other district partners) provide input on district needs regarding educator preparation;
- Representative(s) from UofL's Signature Partnership Initiative and I2A, Ideas to Action, Initiative.
The Summer Flight enrichment camp at Westport Middle School