Professional Development & Consulting

Proven workforce consulting and development.

Since 1798, The University of Louisville has been a trusted source for innovation in leadership, education, and research. As one of the oldest traditions of higher education in the country, The University of Louisville has been a source of innovation for more than 200 years. We lead on the edge of innovation.

Much like organizations and their people, the world of consulting and its demands are always changing. Here at the University of Louisville, our Professional Development office seeks to revolutionize the way consulting is performed. Our consulting process and offerings were developed with one thing in mind: bridge the gap between organizational performance/processes and academic research. Far too often, organizations implement change initiatives without prior knowledge of current research and statistical data. Additionally, many academic researchers conduct their studies without the expertise and input from the very people their research seeks to benefit – organizations and their leaders. Our unique consulting experience provides your organization with proven academic researchers and practitioners within your specific change initiative or target area.

Leadership and Employee Engagement
What does Vallo do

We use the latest in cutting edge research on leadership and employee engagement to drive actionable insights at both the individual and organizational levels. These insights allow you to make strategic, well thought-out decisions for your organization.

Health and Wellbeing

As individuals adapt to a changing workplace, health and wellbeing have never been more important. Our team at the University of Louisville is leading the field in innovations in sport management, sport analytics, and health sciences through state of the art performance lab experiences.

Person that works in Social Work

Education is the foundation of our community. Deeply connected to our mission of pursuing excellence and inclusiveness through our work to educate, the University of Louisville has decades of experience consulting with school districts across the country, providing professional development for school-level and district leaders, as well as consulting on in-classroom environments that enrich learning environments at all levels.


Program Evaluation and Psychometrics
Program Evaluation and Psychometrics

Data matters. If you are using data to drive decision making in your organization, you want that data to be as reliable and valid as possible. Otherwise, you could be making decisions with the wrong data. Our psychometricians and program evaluation teams have deep experience in survey and assessment design to leverage your existing assessment tool or create a custom instrument for you.

Diversity, Equity,
and Inclusion

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are at the core of our Cardinal Principles. As one of the world’s largest metropolitan Universities, our mission is rooted in the values social justice and equity. Rooted in Louisville, Kentucky, our team of experts drive knowledge that is changing the way the world looks at the very ideas of diversity, equity, and inclusion in both research and practice.

Person that works in Social Work

We specialize in measuring the ideas you cannot always see, defining the experiences we can only feel, and defining the areas that may not have boundaries. Contact us today to set up a Cardinal Innovation Meeting with our team. We will walk through our design thinking process to help you achieve your goal.



Much like our teams and organizations, technology is continually changing and developing to require new demands or produce different outcomes. The ways in which we create, process, and manage information can be crucial to the success and sustainability of our teams and organizations.

Office of Innovation & Strategic Partnerships

The Office of Innovation & Strategic Partnerships facilitates research endeavors, professional development and doctoral studies within College of Education and Human Development (CEHD). The office promotes responsible conduct of research in accordance with the highest standards of integrity and compliance with legal, professional, ethical and other requirements to protect against conflicts of interest in research.