Exploring all the options

Macy Shelton
Macy Shelton, in Porter Building Lobby

March 18, 2024

By Jenny Recktenwald

That notion “if you want something to get done, ask the busiest person you know,” applies to Macy Shelton, the Outstanding Undergraduate in Student Learning and Behavior Disorders for December 2023 Commencement. She earned a BS in K-5 and K-12 Education, in the Elementary (P-5) and Learning and Behavior Disorders (P-12) track, completing her degree early under the state’s Option 9 initiative — an expedited route to certification with a bachelor’s degree and initial certification within three school years while working in a non-teaching position in a school district. 

Shelton completed student teaching while working as an instructional assistant at Cane Run Elementary. She was hired there permanently and is now teaching first grade.

“I thought I would have to work evenings and weekends while student teaching full time,” Shelton said. “Once I found out about Option 9, I was so happy to know I could fully focus on my studies and professional development.” 

“Once I found out about Option 9, I was so happy to know I could fully focus on my studies and professional development.” 

A Woodford R. Porter Scholar, Shelton also served as a “Near Peer” in the 4C Summer Bridge Program, tutoring middle-schoolers through the nonprofit Educational Justice and providing in-home applied behavioral analysis therapy. 

Asked how she managed to juggle it all, Shelton says, “It was a little hard, but I’ve always pushed myself to take on a lot of responsibilities. It helped that I felt a close connection with my professors, as a colleague almost. It wasn’t intimidating. The faculty have high expectations, but they also offer so much support.” 

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About the College of Education and Human Development:

Founded in 1968, the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) is a vibrant community that prepares students for leadership in a variety of metropolitan settings including schools, public and private corporations, and governmental agencies.

CEHD embraces the University's mission to advance the intellectual, cultural, and economic development of our diverse communities and citizens. Our commitment to student success is unparalleled as we promote the highest levels of learning and social, emotional, and physical health and well-being for all children, individuals, and families.