Dr. Wooten-Burnett's curriculum vitae [PDF]
Educational Background
- PhD, Curriculum and Instruction, University of Louisville
- EdS, School Administration (Superintendent), Indiana State University
- MAT, Physical Education and Health Education, University of Louisville
- BS, Health and Human Performance with a concentration in Physical Education Teacher Preparation, University of Louisville
Research Interests
- Mentoring higher education and teacher preparation; cultural competency in higher education; cognitive coaching℠ and the impact on student's efficacy in higher education; and cultural competency in the P-20 educational setting.
- Cognitive Coaching
- Urban Teacher Education
- Clinical-Based Teacher Education
- Alternative Pipelines for Teachers of Color
- Initial Teacher Certification
- Mixed Methods: Quant. & Qual
- Mentoring - Cognitive Coaching
Selected Professional Activities
- Vice President for Physical Education: Kentucky Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (KAHPERD), 2015-16
- Vice President for Physical Education (elect): Kentucky Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (KAHPERD), 2015-16
- Coaching Chair: Kentucky Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (KAHPERD), 2014-15
Honors and Awards
- UofL College of Education and Human Development Nystrand-Offutt Scholar Award, 2015
- Graduate Dean's Citation Award, College of Interdisciplinary and Graduate Studies - Dissertation Award, 2014
- Outstanding Dissertation Award in Cognitive Coaching℠, 2014
- Kentucky Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (KAHPERD) College/University PE Teacher of the Year, 2013
Professional Organizations
- National Multicultural Association for Multicultural Education (NAME), 2012-16
- American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2012-16
- Kentucky Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (KAHPERD), 2004-2016
- Society for Health and Physical Education (SHAPE), 2010-16
Selected Publications and Presentations
- Wooten-Burnett, S., & Swank, A. M. (2016). Putting your client in charge through better communication with cognitive coaching℠ ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal, 20(2), 33-36.
- Wooten-Burnett, S. (2015). Cognitive coachingSM: the impact on teacher candidate’ teacher efficacy. Research Quarterly in Exercise and Sport.
- Vidoni, C., Hanaki-Martin, S., Carter, K., Wooten-Burnett, S., & de Paleville, D. T. (2014). Incorporating a Movement Skill Program Into a Preschool Daily Schedule. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 85(S1), A88.
- Carter, K., Roberts, A., *Sunderman, S., Wooten-Burnett, S. Effect of Taekwondo Training on Strength and Balance of Adults with Down Syndrome. International Association of Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities World Congress, Melbourne, AU, August, 2016.
- Thomas, S., Compton, D. M., Wells, T. S., Dumas, T. N. & Wooten-Burnett, S. C. (2017, March). Critical Conversations Across Stakeholders about the Leaky Pipeline: Acting on the Processes and Findings for a Study of Candidates of Color. Session presented at the meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), Tampa, FL.