Dr. Mark's curriculum vitae [PDF]
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education), Boston College
- M.S., Chemical Engineering, Syracuse University
- B.S., Biochemistry, Syracuse University
Research Interests
- Critical Race Studies of Education and Science Education
- Sociology of Education and Science Education
- Qualitative methodologies
- Exploratory case studies
- Discourse analysis
Honors and Awards
- 2015 Jhumki Basu Scholar Award. National Association for Research on Science Teaching (NARST) Equity and Ethics Committee.
- Mark, S. L. (in press, 2020). How do some Black male student-athletes explore and plan for careers in sports and in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics? Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.
- Mark, S. L., Tretter, T., Eckels, L., & Strite, A. (in press, 2019). An Equity Lens on Next Generation Science Standards-Aligned Classroom-Embedded Assessments. Action in Teacher Education.
- Mark, S. L., Id-Deen, L., & Thomas, S. (2019). Getting to the root of the matter: pre-service teachers’ experiences and positionalities with learning to teach in culturally diverse contexts. Cultural Studies of Science Education. doi:10.1007/s11422-019-09956-5.
- Mark, S. L., & Alexander, O. (2019). A critical race case study exploration of two Black male student-athletes’ STEM career development. Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education, 1-30. doi:10.1080/19357397.2019.1633508
- Mark, S. L. (2018). A bit of both science and economics: a non-traditional STEM identity narrative. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 13(4), 983-1003. doi:10.1007/s11422-017-9832-2
- Mark, S. L. (2016). Psychology of Working Narratives of STEM Career Exploration for Non-dominant Youth. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 1-18. doi:10.1007/s10956-016-9646-0
- Mark, S. L., DeBay, D., Zhang, L., Haley, J., Patchen, A., Wong, C., & Barnett, M. (2013). Coupling social justice and out-of-school time learning to provide opportunities to motivate, engage and interest under-represented populations in STEM fields. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 29(2), 93 - 105.
- Blustein, D. L., Barnett, M., Mark, S. L., Depot, M., Lovering, M., Lee, Y., et al. (2013). Examining urban students’ constructions of a STEM career development intervention over time. Journal of Career Development. 40 (1): 40 – 67
- Barnett, M., Houle, M., Mark, S. L., Strauss, E. & Hoffman, E. (2010). Learning about urban ecology through the use of visualization and geospatial technologies. Journal of Technology & Teacher Education. 18 (2): 285 – 314.
- Hou, S., Liu, Z., Young, A. W., Mark, S. L., Kallenbach, N. R., & Ren, D. (2010). Effects of Trp-and Arg-containing antimicrobial-peptide structure on inhibition of Escherichia coli planktonic growth and biofilm formation. Applied and environmental microbiology, 76 (6), 1967-1974.
Book Chapters
- Mark, S. L. (2017). Who am I? I am . . . : Activist Art to Author ELL Identities. In T. Dell’Angelo, L. Ammentorp, & L. Madden (Eds.), Using photography and other arts-based methods with English Language Learners: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Barnett, M., Houle, M., Mark, S. L., Minner, D., Hirsch, L., Strauss, E., . . . Hufnagel, B. (2014). Participatory professional development: Geospatially enhanced urban ecological field studies. In J. MaKinster, N. Trautmann & M. Barnett (Eds.), Teaching science and investigating environmental issues with geospatial technology: Designing effective professional development for teachers (pp. 360). Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
- Barnett, M., MaKinster, J., Trautmann, N., Houle. M., & Mark, S. L. (2014). Geospatial technologies: The present and future roles of emerging technologies in environmental education. In R. B. Stevenson, M. Brody, J. Dillon, & A. E. J. Wals (Eds.), The International Handbook of Research on Environmental Education (331 – 348). New York and London: Routledge.
- DeBay, D., Haley, J., Mark, S. L., Barnett, M., Anderson, A., Strauss, E., et al. (2012). Engaging youth in visualizing sustainable urban plans using geographic information systems coupled with computer visualization. In A. Wals, P. Corcoran & H. Brandon (Eds.), Learning for sustainability in times of accelerating change: Springer.
- Mark, S. L. (2016). Advancing out of poverty through sport and STEM. Envision Equity –Jefferson County Public Schools Diversity, Equity, and Poverty Newsletter.
Journal Reviewer
- School Science and Mathematics
- Educational Action Research
- Innovations in Science Teacher Education
- Journal of Science Education and Technology
- Journal of Career Development
- Urban Education