Dr. Flint's curriculum vita [PDF]
I moved to Louisville in 2016 after a number of years in Atlanta, GA. I was excited by the opportunities that the University of Louisville offered in term of community engagement and civic responsibility. Many of our teacher education programs are located in local elementary schools. Such placements provide UofL students and faculty rich opportunities to inquire about and examine current practices and policies impacting teachers and children in daily classroom life.
I really enjoy living in Louisville and think it is beautiful three out of four seasons! I am an active tennis player and traveler. I play in local tournaments (when I can) and often on Friday evenings with a social team. I absolutely love to travel. I've been over 25 countries and always looking to explore a new place. While every place is exciting and interesting, my favorite to date is New Zealand.
Recently, my work in teacher professional development and literacy has taken me to the rural communities of South Africa. I engaged in a three-year project with a group of primary grade teachers in a small rural school outside of Cape Town. This project focused on building children's literacy skills and enhancing teachers’ understandings of literacy development. I keep in touch with the teachers through Face Book and am looking for opportunities to return. In addition to this project, I am the Chair of the Department of Early Childhood and Elementary Education and teach literacy based courses in a variety of programs (both undergraduate and graduate).
Educational Background
- PhD, Education, Language, Literacy and Culture, University of California, Berkeley
- MEd, Administration and Policy Studies, University of California, Los Angeles
- BA, Elementary Education, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley
Courses Taught
- Theoretical Models of Reading
- Theoretical Models of Writing
- Early Literacy Development
- Methods and Materials for Reading Instruction
Research Interests
- Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy in Literacy
- Critical Literacy in Elementary Classrooms
- Teacher's Professional Development
Professional Service
- 2012-15, Member of the Executive Board, Whole Language Umbrella, National Council of Teaches of English
- 2010-16, Co-editor of Language Arts (publication by NCTE)
- 2002-present, Editorial Board Member, National Reading Conference Yearbook
- 2012 - present, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Teacher Education
- 2011 - present, Editorial Board Member, Teacher and Teacher Education
Professional Memberships
- American Educational Research Association
- International Reading Association
- National Council of Teachers of English
- National Reading Conference
- Whole Language Umbrella
Honors and Awards
- 2012, Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award, College of Education, Georgia State University
- 2012 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award, Southern Regional Education Board (nominee)
- 2009 Lifetime Membership Award, Whole Language Umbrella, National Council of Teachers of English
Selected Publications and Presentations
- Albers, P., Holbrook, T., & Flint, A.S. (2013), New Methods in Literacy Research (Eds.) Routledge
- Flint, A.S., Allen, E., Nason, M., Rodriguez, S., Thornton, N. & Wynter-Hoyte, K. (2015). “It Happened to Me”: Third Grade Students Write and Draw Towards Critical Perspectives. Journal of Language and Literacy, 2, 25-43
- Flint, A.S. & Fisher-Ari, T (2014). Writing their worlds: English Language Learners Navigate Writing Workshop. Writing and Pedagogy, 6(3), 643-648
- Flint, A.S. & Laman, T. (2013). Where poems hide: Finding reflective, critical spaces inside writing workshop. In J Availa & J Zacher Pandya (Eds.), Moving critical literacies forward: A new look at praxis across contexts. (pg 72-83), New York: Routledge
- 2015, Mapping Our Writing Lives: Creating a Culturally Sustaining Writing Pedagogy. Keynote presentation at the Hawaii Council of Teachers of English conference, Honolulu, HI
- 2015, Critical Literacy in Critical Times. Featured Speaker at the Hawaii Council of Teachers of English conference, Honolulu, HI
- 2015, Digital Stories in Elementary Classrooms. Featured Speaker at the Hawaii Council of Teachers of English conference, Honolulu, HI
- Reading Association of South Africa / Pan African Congress, 2015, Partnerships Achieve Literacy: Imagining the Possible. Co-presented with Peggy Albers and Mona Matthews at the annual meeting in Cape Town, South Africa
- May, L., Albers, P., Dooley, C.M., Flint, A.S., & Holbrook, T. (2016). Taking the time to watch and learn. Language Arts, 93(3), 165-167
- Holbrook, T., May, L., Albers, P., Dooley, C.M., & Flint, A.S. (2015). Of body/mind and literacy. Language Arts, 93(1), 5-7
- Dooley, C. M, Flint, A.S., & Holbrook, T., May, L., Albers, P., (2015). Pivots. Language Arts, 92(6), 387-388
- May, L., Albers, P., Dooley, C.M., Flint, A.S., & Holbrook, T. (2015). Information is power?. Language Arts, 92(4), 239-241