Dr. Gross' curriculum vitae [PDF]
Educational Background
- PhD, History, Philosophy and Policy Studies in Education, Indiana University, 2008
- Post-Master's Certificate in Institutional Research, Indiana University, 2006
- MPA, Policy Analysis, Indiana University, 2004
- BA, Anthropology and Spanish, DePauw University, 2000
Teaching Areas
- Economics of education
- Organization and administration of higher education
- Program development and assessment
- Education policy
Research Areas
- Finances and financial aid in postsecondary education
- Youth formerly in foster care
- Postsecondary education policy
- Postsecondary access and success
Professional Memberships and Service
- Editor, Journal of Student Financial Aid
- Editorial Board Member, Review of Higher Education
- Board Member, National Resource Center for Foster Care Alumni in Higher Education
- Association for the Study of Higher Education
Selected Publications and Presentations
- Gross, J. P., Stolzenberg, E., & Williams, A. (2020). College Choice and Enrollment among Youth Formerly in Foster Care. Journal of College Access, 5(2), 3. https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/jca/vol5/iss2/3
- Parson, L., Gross, J.P., Williams, A. (2019). The language of retrenchment: A discourse analysis of budget cutting in higher education. Journal for the Study of Postsecondary & Tertiary Education, 4, p. 33-48. https://doi.org/10.28945/4365
- Berry, M., Inge, B., Gross, J.P., Colston, J., & Bowers, A. (2018). Planning for diversity? The inclusion of diversity goals in postsecondary statewide strategic plans. Higher Education Politics & Economics, 4(1), p. 262-280. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1207989
- Gross, J. P. K., Bell, A.D., Berry, M. (2016). Keeping the PROMISE: Factors affecting timing to merit scholarship loss. Journal of College Access, 2(1), 31-56. http://scholarworks.wmich.edu/jca/vol2/iss1/4
- Gross, J. P.K., & Berry, M. (2016). The Relationship Between State Policy Levers and Student Mobility. Research in Higher Education, 1-27. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11162-015-9377-8