Gin Presley's curriculum vitae [PDF]
Educational Background
- MS, in Sport Administration, University of Northern Colorado
- BA, Sport Industry Operations, Metropolitan State University of Denver
Teaching Areas
- Introduction to Sport Management, (2013 to present)
- Senior Seminar, (2013 to present)
- Career Development, (2013 to present)
- Sport Entrepreneurship, (2015 - present)
- Internship Supervision (2013- present)
- SPAD Undergraduate Program Coordinator
- HSS Study Abroad Coordinator
Research Areas
- Sport Entrepreneurship, Strategy & Innovation
- Sport Management Education
- Teacher Mentorship
Professional Activities and Memberships
- NASSM 2016-2020
- HSS Student Engagement Committee, Chair 2017-2020
- University of Louisville CEHD Standards and Admissions Committee (2017-2020)
- University of Louisville Beyond HSS Committee, Chair (2017-2018)
- University of Louisville Education Advising Executive Board (2016-2017)
Selected Publications and Presentations
- Presley, R.G & Hambrick, M.E. (2019). Greatness is a Process: An Examination of Jay Z’s Rise in the Entertainment Industry and His Future in Sports Agency. SAGE Publishing
- Presley, R.G.(2019). Strategies for Career Success (book chapter). Principals and practice of sport management. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishing (6th Ed).
- Presley, R.G.,Shreffler, M.E., Hancock, Meg G. & Schmidt, S.E,. (2017). Issues & ethics in sport: A practical guide for sport managers (2nd Ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt Publishing.
- Schmidt, S.E, Shreffler, M.E. & Presley, R.G.(2016). Motivations for Twitter Use: An Examination of Intercollegiate Athletes through Impression Management.
- Case Study: Shreffler, M., Presley, R.G., & Schmidt, S. (2015). Cases for Sport Management: Special Issue on Strategic Management in Sport Business. Crisis in the NBA: Donald Sterling’s History of Racism with the LA Clippers.