David Royer's curriculum vitae [PDF]
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Special Education, University of Kansas, 2017
- M.S., Special Education, California State University, Long Beach , 2011
- Credential, Education specialist level 2, California State University, Long Beach , 2010
- Credential, Education specialist, level 1, Chapman University, 2006
Areas of Specialization
- Comprehensive, integrated, three-tiered (Ci3T) model of prevention
- Evidence-based practices
- Student-directed individualized education programs (IEPs)
Honors, Awards, And Affiliations
- Council for Exceptional Children's Division for Research Doctoral Student Scholar (CEC DR-DSS): One of 10 scholars selected through an internationally competitive review process to be a member of the ninth cohort- 2017
- Delta Tau Delta International Fraternity award of distinction: Western Plains Division special recognition for excellence in alumni service- 2015
- Judy Tate Outstanding Doctoral Student Award, School of Education, Dept. of Special Education, University of Kansas 2017, May
- University Graduate Fellowship, School of Education, Dept. of Special Education, University of Kansas, 2016-2017
Professional Society Memberships
- Hawaiʻi Association for Behavior Analysis (HABA), 2017 – present
- Association for Positive Behavior Support (APBS), 2015 – present
- Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), 2005 – present
- Lane, K. L., Royer, D. J., & Oakes, W. P. (2020). Literacy instruction for students with emotional and behavior disorders: A developing knowledge base. In R. Boon, M. Burke, and L. Bowman-Perrot (Eds.). Literacy instruction for students with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD): Research-based interventions for the classroom(pp. 1-16). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Lane, K. L., Oakes, W. P., Cantwell, E. D., & Royer, D. J. (2016). Building and installing comprehensive, integrated, three-tiered (Ci3T) models of prevention: A practical guide to supporting school success. Phoenix, AZ: KOI Education.
- Ninci, J. M., & Royer, D. J. (November, 2018). Recreational reinforcement: Balancing brains and brawn through bouldering. Behavior Today [online newsletter]. Retrieved from: http://rapidlandingpages.com/behaviortoday34_2
- Lane, K. L. & Royer, D. J. (2018). Single-case research. In B. Frey (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation (pp. 1525-1528). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781506326139.n633
- Buckman, M. M., Royer, D. J., Oakes, W. P., Lane, K. L., Common, E. A., Chafouleas, S. M., & Briesch, A. M. (2020, December). The Tier 2 process: Using data to connect students to validated supports. A mini-module in Enhancing Ci3T Module 6: Responding respectfully to challenging behavior[multimedia module]. Ci3T Research Team.