Dr. Frederick's curriculum vitae [PDF]
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Human Performance (Sport Management) with a Minor in Telecommunications, Indiana University, Bloomington
- M.S., Kineasiology (Sport Management), Indiana University, Bloomington
- B.A., Communication and Culture, Indiana University, Bloomington
Research Area
My primary research interest is the intersection of sport and social media. Specifically, my research examines fan-athlete interaction, fan communication, athlete communication, athlete portrayals, and organizational communication through social media outlets. My secondary research interest is media effects and sport communication.
- Sport communication
- Social media
- Media theory
- Image repair
- Public relations
- Qualitative
- Mixed Method
- Thematic Analysis
Teaching Areas
Dr. Frederick teaches in the areas of sport communication and organizational behavior.
Professional Service
- Vice Chair, International Association of Communication & Sport: 2018 – present
- Editorial Review Board Member, Communication & Sport: Spring 2019 - present
- Editorial Review Board Member, International Journal of Sport Management: 2016 – 2020
- Ad hoc Reviewer, International Journal of Sport Communication
Professional Memberships
- North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM). 2010-present
- Sport Marketing Association (SMA). 2010-present
- International Association for Communication and Sport (IACS). 2012-present
- North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS). 2015-present
Selected Publications
- Frederick, E. L., Pegoraro, A., & Sanderson, J. (in press). Sport in the age of Trump: An analysis of Donald Trump’s tweets. To be published in the International Journal of Sport Communication.
- Frederick, E. L., Pegoraro, A., & Schmidt, S. (in press).“I’m not going to the f***ing White House:” Twitter users react to Donald Trump and Megan Rapinoe. Communication & Sport. Advance online publication. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/2167479520950778M
- Frederick, E. L., Pegoraro, A. & Smith, L. (2021). An examination of Michigan State University’s image repair via Facebook and the public response following the Larry Nassar scandal. Communication & Sport, 9(1), 128-149.
- Hums, M., Frederick, E. L., Pegoraro, A., Siegfried, N. & Wolf, E. (2020). What’s in a name? Examining reactions to Major League Baseball’s change from the Disabled List to the Injured List via Twitter. Baseball Research Journal, Fall 2020.
- Kang, J., Lim, C., Frederick, E. L., Yoo, S. K., & Pedersen, P. M. (2020). Programming based intervention: A cross-cultural examination of the role of nonviolent mediated sports content on youth aggression reduction. Journal of Sports Media, 15(1), 1-28.
- Pegoraro, A., Allison, R., & Frederick, E. L., Thompson, A. (2020). When women athletes transgress: An exploratory study of image repair and social media response. Sport in Society, 23(6), 1023-1041.
- Schmidt, S. H., Hancock, M. G., Frederick, E. L., Hums, M. A., & Alagaraja, M. (2020).Examining Athlete Ally through resource mobilization theory. Journal of Sport & Social Issues, 44(3), 214-243.
- Frederick, E. L., Pegoraro, A., & Sanderson, J. (2019). Divided and united: Perceptions of athlete activism at the ESPYS. Sport in Society, 12, 1919-1936.
- Frederick, E. L., Hambrick, M. E., Schmidt, S., & Shreffler, M. (2019). Queue the drama: An analysis of Last Chance U and the portrayal of sport myths. Journal of Sports Media, 14(1-2), 113-136.
- Stocz, M., & Frederick, E. L. (2019). Is the disease spreading: A case study of the American Outlaws. Soccer & Society,20, 836-847.
- Schmidt, S., Frederick, E. L., Pegoraro, A., & Spencer, T. (2019). An analysis of Colin Kaepernick, Megan Rapinoe, and the national anthem protests. Communication & Sport, 7(5), 653-677.
- Frederick, E. L., & Pegoraro, A. (2018). Scandal in college basketball: A case study of image repair via Facebook. International Journal of Sport Communication, 11(3), 414-429.