Program Goals

Kentucky COMPETES Goals

  • Collaborative Outreach: Develop a comprehensive systems approach to identifying modernization and diversification within the defense industrial base (DIB) in Kentucky.
    • Create an asset map and organization listing of relations and roles of the defense industrial base
    • Build an awareness campaign to engage and inform Kentucky DIB businesses
  • Industry Analysis: Implement an examination of Kentucky’s DIB that harnesses UofL’s unique academic environment to deliver expertly targeted, relevant, and actionable findings.
    • Create a futures analysis and roadmap for implementation that offers an examination by industry type for DIB businesses
    • Develop recommendations in a shareable report, outlining the findings from industry sectors examined
  • Workforce Pathways: Champion an equitable DIB community ecosystem that capitalizes on the military family and the diverse Kentucky workforce.
    • Create workforce pathway alliances within manufacturing, aerospace, and distribution and logistics industry sectors.
    • Create an ecosystem plan: On the sustainability of the DIB in Kentucky, identifying future workforce demands.