Dr. Kaila Story Quoted in CNN Article on Queer Identity

Dr. Kaila Story Quoted in CNN Article on Queer Identity

Dr. Kaila Story

June 18, 2024

Dr. Kaila Story, Associate Professor of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies with a joint appointment in the Department of Pan-African Studies, was recently quoted in a CNN article exploring the evolving meaning of the term “queer.” Dr. Story, who holds the prestigious Audre Lorde Chair in Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, provided valuable insights into the term's significance and its empowering impact on LGBTQIA+ communities.

In the article, Dr. Story emphasized the liberating nature of the term "queer," highlighting its role in allowing individuals to define their identities on their own terms. She remarked, "Queer means not letting society, institutions, friends or loved ones define who you are or who you hope to be. It means to define yourself for yourself, live boldly and unapologetically."

Click here to read the full article on CNN. 

Dr. Story's contribution to the article underscores her dedication to advancing intersectional queer studies and fostering a deeper understanding of the complexities of identity. In addition to her academic achievements, Dr. Story co-hosts the award-winning podcast "Strange Fruit: Musings on Politics, Pop Culture, and Black Gay Life" on WFPL, which further amplifies discussions on critical issues affecting the Black LGBTQIA+ community.

The College of Arts & Sciences celebrates Dr. Story's continued influence and her commitment to promoting inclusive and expansive views on gender and sexuality. Her expertise and public engagement make her an invaluable asset to our academic community and beyond.